Getting Gas Engine to charge Drive Battery Pack with cell voltage is low

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New member
Oct 11, 2024

I have a 2013 Outlander PHEV (Japanese domestic model) and when the original 12v aux battery needed to be replaced, it took over a year to get a replacement that worked, and so the car was parked without charging for over a year. When the new 12v battery was put in, the head unit comes on, but it will not go into drive, and it will not allow charging via either charging port.

Using a ThinkDiag OBD tool/app, their diagnostic report gives a Cell Voltage Low error CMU07 (we managed to clear the other errors but that one remains).
Is there
(1) a way to get the gas engine to come on and charge the battery, or
(2) some way to clear the error and allow the external port to charge it, or
(3) some other way to charge the drive battery pack via a direct port to it to get it to a high enough level for the gas engine to take over the charging,
or some other way to solve this problem?
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I don't think you can start the engine without sufficient voltage in the drive battery.

I'm not sure if the engine is turned over via the GKN e-Motion gearbox from the front electric motor, or if it is the generator running in reverse, but, I am sure that the main drive battery provides the grunt.

If you can find an electric vehicle specialist in Jamaica (or perhaps an electrical engineer), you may be able to remove the whole battery box, and replace the damaged cells.

We do have one company that does that kind of work, that is represented on this forum.

Hopefully that member will see your post and offer advice.
The ability to charge the Drive battery through either the DC or AC ports should only require the 12V Aux battery to be healthy.