Extracting Data from OBD port by Arduino Sketch

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New member
Jul 11, 2016
Hi everybody,

I am trying to extract information about battery voltage and energy consumption of my Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV by a Freematics ONE vehice data logger: http://freematics.com/pages/products/freematics-one/

Unfortunately I only get information about Air Intake Temperature or Accelearation . I would like to read out Battery Voltage From a Mini car I get more information like Torque.

Here is the Arduino skript on my data logger:


Did anyone work with Arduino sketches for Mitsubishi cars here?
alimercan said:
Hi everybody,

I am trying to extract information about battery voltage and energy consumption of my Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV by a Freematics ONE vehice data logger: http://freematics.com/pages/products/freematics-one/

Unfortunately I only get information about Air Intake Temperature or Accelearation . I would like to read out Battery Voltage From a Mini car I get more information like Torque.

Here is the Arduino skript on my data logger:


Did anyone work with Arduino sketches for Mitsubishi cars here?


This looks very interesting. Unfortunately i do not have any experience with Arduino scripts, but am very interested.
I would also be interested in your view on the Freematics One? There is not much available online about it from normal users other than the actual freematics website. I could be wrong, but this was my view after a brief search.

Hopefully you don't mind answering those questions and maybe why you chose the Freematics One compared to other data loggers available?

I, surprisingly, can answer this question:

You can't get information from the BMU with a freematics device as its currently implemented. Because the freematics logger only supports communication with the default ECU, you'll never be able to speak to the battery monitoring unit and find out information like state of charge and current drawn, etc. I also believe that the electric motor torques are monitored somewhere else. The only working solution I've seen so far requires a connection with and ELM device where you can set your own message headers.