I've had mine about a month, and my daily commute is 13 miles each way. Most of that is urban, and stop/start on a busy dual carriageway, with only a few miles where I can get up to about 60mph. At the moment I am managing to do most of that 26 miles on EV, with just the last few miles on the way home when the ICE kicks in. I'm pretty happy with that, bearing in mind that I never expected to get the claimed maximum distance shown in the advertising, and I also know from reading on here that it should improve further as the weather warms up.
Note that having the heating / Air Conditioning on brings that range down by several miles, so I am pre-heating in the morning before getting into the car.
I have also done the same journey outside of peak times, and that involves 18ish miles of free running dual carrigaeway. Doing that at 60mph also reduces the range, and I reckon I probably only get about 16-18 miles at that speed, compared to 24 when its stop start.
As others have said, the range is hugely dependent on conditions and how you drive it, but if you are expecting to get 34 miles from every full charge then you are going to be disappointed. In terms of the comparison with BMW who advertise 20 miles, I assumed that EV range claims were calculated under identical test conditions (in the same way all mpg calculations use a standard cycle) and should therefore be able to be used to draw comparisons between vehicles, even if the absolute figures for both are overstated in comparison to real world driving ?