Battery "O" Rings

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
I have a 2018 model in New Zealand, approaching third anniversary, an inspection is required to extend the warranty to 5 years for the car and 8 years for the battery. Last service the dealer said O rings on the battery are to be replaced at some horrendous cost. However they didn't have the parts and since the car was and still is well below 30,000km it was left as is. A former service franchise told me today that the O rings are a 30,000km service item and has warranty implications if not done etc.

I cannot find any reference to this in the service schedule or online anywhere. I am assuming the O rings are to seal the 3 covers on the bottom of the battery case where the cable connections are. If so I would only expect to replace them if they are opened to check tightness of the connections but it seems a pretty simple job in any case.

Anybody got any information on this?
In your schedule is states "check high voltage cable for damage and proper connection"

This is done at every 30000 interval and involves making the vehicle "safe", removing the battery covers and retorquing the connections. The Front and rear motor control units have to be accessed as well and this is carried out on both of these at the sane time.

Only the 2 traction battery connections have these seals which must be replaced every time

It is a simple job for the trained... Not a home mechanics task though. Special procedures have to be carried out to make the vehicle safe, and special tools and PPE must be worn to neuralise risk of shock
Thanks for the clarity of your answer. Yes the schedule does say that, but no-one I spoke to at either the dealer (new) or former service center (former due to new dealer in the area) made it clear what that implied. And I couldn't find any reference to that anywhere on line.
