barttery charge indicater

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2015
charged up overnight at home [day 3 now] first proper drive with a purpose had a 13 mile trip to hosp appoint, empty roads 30-40 mph on arrival a very small drop in battery about 1/16th impressed. [still getting used to the wide bonnet seems so wide]

return journey same quiet roads same speeds battery indicator now 50% used. pleased still some charge left but why does the indicator show a major difference for the same two trips an hour apart?

been wondering too about reversing lights had posted how poor they are checked them today from the outside only to find there is just one rev light the two led lights higher up i thought were reversing lights are not, also only one rear fog light, ours is the base model are the higher ones got better lights?
What model do you have, a 3 or a 4? What was the ambient temp? I mean, could it be you've been running on engine power on your way in, due to turning on the heater?
I'd be extremely surprised if you got 13 miles from 1/16th of the battery. The best you can normally hope for is 2 miles per 16th, unless you're going downhill :lol: At this time of year, the petrol engine will cut in to provide heating, as anko says, and as a by-product of that ( :shock: ) the car will run on petrol. Sad but true :roll:
there were plenty of hills in the trip the dash showed a mix of battery to wheel, wheel to battery and engine to battery to wheel. no running engine to wheel.

had heater on on trip out but not the return, I presume the battery indicator may have stuck on the outward journey if it happens again will pop back to garage.

still on a learning curv with several points to master especially the hands free phone set up from the steering wheel.
Did you get above 40 mph during your trip? If so, you would expect to see "engine to wheels" every now and then.... unless the engine fired up because of heating. In that case the car will not engage parallel drive.
It's not the battery indicator sticking - you say yourself that the display showed the engine running - it did a lot of the trip on petrol.
But the battery indicator (at least mine) isn't accurate. When I started the car this morning after 2 previous days of very short trips (2 miles) I had apparently a full battery. However. within a mile or so there was a distinct drop.

Similarly, last week in France the last quarter of the battery disappeared suddenly, again within a mile or so.
if you look at it logically, I'd suggest one of these factors apply, and thus if you can cross them off one by one I hope you may get your answer. I have listed them in what I think would be easiest to rule in/out:

1. The journey there was 80% downhill and the journey home was 80% uphill.
2. if its a GX3, you had the heater on out, not on way back (or it was warmer on way back),
3. You accidentally pressed the "save" button by the drive selector lever. (the charge button only takes it to 80% full) This would use petrol to keep battery level high. Turning the car off at halfway point would mean it wouldnt be on for 2nd half of journey. in this quick start guide, page 3 figure label 04: (this is my hunch!)
4. you have a faulty battery % readout

hope that helps.