2016 Outlander keyfob hack. REMOTE HEATER!

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I already have three buttons on my key fob. The third button controls the electric boot. And I have to press it twice quickly to open the boot. This explains the behaviour when modifying your key fob. I was thinking that I could modify my Keyfob to start heater/aircon when unlocking the car. If I unlock on the remote the heater/aircon will start and after a short while the car will lock automatically (since no door was opened). What do you think? Could it work?
Tripl3 said:
I already have three buttons on my key fob. The third button controls the electric boot. And I have to press it twice quickly to open the boot. This explains the behaviour when modifying your key fob. I was thinking that I could modify my Keyfob to start heater/aircon when unlocking the car. If I unlock on the remote the heater/aircon will start and after a short while the car will lock automatically (since no door was opened). What do you think? Could it work?

I was also thinking to connect two buttons and see if single press activate one function and double press activate heater

But, I did not read of anybody experiment it, and it is a huge guess to expect that "click" two buttons of the same time is working as activate two functions, instead to be seen as an error condition by the keyfob micro processor

For 10USD you can get a 4 key key fob form ebay ... but actually .. it is not even needed

In my case I had to "patch" my ebay keyfob, since the switch I got is "taller" and once put over the red plastic button it believe the switch is pressed all the time. So I end up removing this button and using some red silicon glue for seal over the hole .. and it works perfectly now

This means it is also possible to drill a hole in the original keyfob case, and put 1 drop of silicon glue for make it looking "decent" and fully functional

I know ... one picture is 1000 words ... so I may try later to post a photo of my modified key

Possibly if I would have wait for the smaller switch this hack may not have been used ... but even if I order both types ... the tall one are the first to arrive from china and so far the only one I got

PS: This are the items I did order

http://www.ebay.com/itm/271429114081 (the tall switch, which work only with the hack above .. actualy is possible to buy only this and make a hole on the keyfob and then use 1 drop of silicon glue over the hole and switch)
http://www.ebay.com/itm/191894620615 (the 4 buttons key fob)
http://www.ebay.com/itm/361565523761 (still did not got these, but possibly these are the ideal one)

This is my keyfob after put silicon on it

I most probably hack my second keyfob, just by drilling a hole , and use silicon as push button cover
Just notice the following

While the car is connected to the charger (but not charging, I have a timer that cur the power of the charger in some hours of the day) ... if I double click the heater button, no car double blink (note PHEV detect if the plug is connected even if no power is sent .. this prevent to move the car and destroy the plug or charging cable)

If the car is not connected to the charging plug , then clicking from the keyfob for activate the heater, it will lock the car and double blink

Not sure if heater is started even if the blink is not shown .. I think it does but I'm not sure

Missing the double blink does not allow to detect if the key press on keyfob has been accepted or not
Tried this mod on my new -17 and it dosent seem to work. Nothing happens when I put a jumper between SW3 to times either.
Has anyone been able to get this working on a -17 PHEV?
Having temporarily proved this to work on my 2014 GX4H, does anyone know where I might obtain a later style key fob case? With the button on the side.

I have just ordered one from:

£9.99 delivered. :D

Not sure what other type of key fob there is for other models. Mine is a 2015.
Thanks MrP,

That's the one I've got on order, too, but thinking about it I think the later key fob with the side button might be a better solution. Elm70 seemed to have a bit of fiddling to do with the fob we've ordered.
Hi Ray.

I have not seen one of those before.
Ordered some surface mount switches anyway.....

Regulo said:
Thanks MrP,

That's the one I've got on order, too, but thinking about it I think the later key fob with the side button might be a better solution. Elm70 seemed to have a bit of fiddling to do with the fob we've ordered.

For be precise ...

My first mod, I did use the ebay new case with 4th button .. but the switch button that I did solder was not the ideal one ..

There are two type of micro switch buttons ... one that is flat, and one that has a little extension.

So ... I end up modifying the 2nd KeyFob with the proper flat switch .. and I was able to fit this inside the ebay new case without much problem.

The other modified keyfob I did took my original keyfob case, drill a hole in the plastic .. and cover the hole with red silicon

Both keys are working fine for me ....

Still I don't get the logic of the car blinking ...

My PHEV does blink only twice .. on the first and second request for start pre-heating ... but if pre-heating is on going (due to timer or previous request) .. there is no confirmation blinking that I did double press on the keyfob

In some very rare cases ... I have the surprise that pre-heating did not work as expected
ktd said:
Tried this mod on my new -17 and it dosent seem to work. Nothing happens when I put a jumper between SW3 to times either.
Has anyone been able to get this working on a -17 PHEV?
Also tried on my 2017 Juro with no luck. I don't have the tailgate release and shorting the pads for that switch has no effect so maybe this (both functions) are disabled in firmware?
Has anyone gotten this to work on a 2017? I have a 2018 on the way, but I’m guessing it won’t work for a 2018 if it doesn’t work on a 2017.
Thanks to all who contributed to this thread. I got the 4-button case today and all is now assembled and working. Why this wasn't an original feature I just can't work out. As far as I'm concerned you have to be as close to the car when using the appallingly slow app as you do to use the remote, so why bother with all that nonsense when a simple push on the remote would do the job? The oriental mind works in mysterious ways!!
Regulo said:
... Why this wasn't an original feature I just can't work out. As far as I'm concerned you have to be as close to the car when using the appallingly slow app as you do to use the remote, so why bother with all that nonsense when a simple push on the remote would do the job? The oriental mind works in mysterious ways!!

Let us consider as a working assumption that the App is sending data (of whatever type) back to the manufacturer.
Some decisionmaker in MMC said: "We need this data, from as many buyers as possible!"
Et voilá! We have a perfect reason for removing the Remote Heater function from the key.
You have a natural suspicious, cynical nature, Harald! ;) .

It seems strange to have the keyfobs coded to send the instruction, and the car coded to receive and act on that instruction, and then never implement it. Who knows?
I would not understand such a theory as "cynical".
It just shows nicely, that the same story can be completely logical from another point of view.
Harald said:
Regulo said:
... Why this wasn't an original feature I just can't work out. As far as I'm concerned you have to be as close to the car when using the appallingly slow app as you do to use the remote, so why bother with all that nonsense when a simple push on the remote would do the job? The oriental mind works in mysterious ways!!

Let us consider as a working assumption that the App is sending data (of whatever type) back to the manufacturer.
Some decisionmaker in MMC said: "We need this data, from as many buyers as possible!"
Et voilá! We have a perfect reason for removing the Remote Heater function from the key.

This is quite easy to be verified ...

On Android it will be easily visible if any traffic over the 3G data is used by the PHEV Apps

Anyhow ... there are millions of possible reasons why this feature has been "aborted" by Mitsubishi , and just left as uncompleted function ... most likely the marketing department was not happy with this key fob extra function
I fitted the 4th switch today & soldered the link wire to TP6.
When pressing the 4th button twice quickly (as you would for the boot), the led flashed on the remote but the car (2015 model) did not respond at all.

Having read more from another site, I decided to connect the link wire to TP5.
Now when I pressed the 4th button twice quickly, the car responded with 3 short & fast indicator flashes.
I went back to the car after 15 minutes, put my ear to the drivers window & could hear the heater blower running.
When I opened the door, the blower stopped as expected. The cabin was cosy & warm. :D

So, do 2015 onward models (with 4 button fob) all need TP5 connected for this feature to work?

And, If the main battery is low, will the engine start or will the feature simply be inhibited?


:arrow: Just checked today, also works whilst connected to the charger. :D
I don't think the engine will start - you might be remote heating while your car is in the garage. Danger of CO fumes accumulating. I presume the heating/cooling would stop if the battery went too low, but wouldn't know for certain. I don't think Mitsu will let you flatten the battery just to heat the car.

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