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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. G

    Driving the PHEV in the mountains - tips please!

    I’m also a bit confused by all of this. Am I right in thinking that the advice is that you should never have the 4WD lock and traction control activated at the same time ? So for normal driving, 4WD lock is off but traction control is on. But for winter driving, e.g. in snow, its better to...
  2. G

    UK Drivers earn £50-£100

    Got my parcel for this today from Germany. Looks pretty simple to set up, although for the Outlander PHEV there is a technical issue with the logger which means you need to keep a manual charging diary for the 3 weeks. Not a big deal, and they pay an additional £21 for requirement to complete...
  3. G

    Hit charge ... does not start charging

    Hhmm, in my view these ‘tax breaks’ are designed to reduce one’s environmental impact, rather than eliminate it entirely. By having an EV, and running it as efficiently as possible, I’d argue that this has been achieved and unless the ‘tax break’ requires you to commit to zero emmissions then I...
  4. G

    Hit charge ... does not start charging

    I can understand the frustration people may have with the way that the car has been designed, and that a different configuration would enable it be more efficient. But to me having a debate about how people think the car should have been designed, is a different thing to debating how people use...
  5. G

    Hit charge ... does not start charging

    OK, so maybe they should have put an EV button in originally, but they didn’t. However, if you have the car, and you know it doesn’t have the button, then my point still stands, I’d rather be comfortable and warm rather than cold but achieve a marginally better economy figure. I get the point...
  6. G

    Hit charge ... does not start charging

    I get that people want to try and maximise their economy and reduce their emmissions, and I get why some people are frustrated that the ICE kicks in to provide heat when its cold. But I’m sorry, I can’t understand why someone would drive around in a £35k+ car in -10 conditions, but would...
  7. G

    A few questions before going to the dealers

    As a rough guide, you might expect to get c.20 miles EV range at this time of year, so 45 of your 65 miles will be done on petrol. 35mpg is a realistic estimate, so you’ll be using about 1.28 gallons of petrol. Across your full journey of 65 miles, that works out at around 50 mpg. You will...
  8. G

    Remote heating while plugged in

    The preheating will take the majority of power from the mains, but my understanding is that the heater draws more power than the mains can supply, so it does also draw a small amount of power from the main traction battery. Others will give you the specific figures, but the drain from your...
  9. G

    Any fix for the remote app security risks?

    The app has not been fixed, and therefore the risk remains. But in my view, it is an extremely theoretical risk and not worth worrying about. If this was a big deal, we would have seen a spate of PHEVs stolen via this method in the last 6 months. Has there even been one such incident ??
  10. G

    Want the gadgets but not leather seats

    I've never really come across this before, but do many other manufacturers allow you to order one of their higher spec models but to then 'downgrade' to having cloth seats rather than leather ? I can see that this might be a possibility on very high end cars like Ferraris and Rolls Royce where...
  11. G

    EV range in Winter?

    Thats not something I have ever experienced. If I preheat, and then start driving the car with the heating on, I have never had the ICE kick in. I keep it around 19-20C, and I dont bother to play with the fan speed I just leave it in Auto. Even on my daily commute, which can be 45+ minutes at...
  12. G

    EV range in Winter?

    My daily round trip is 26 miles, can do that in pure EV in the summer with maybe 1 or 2 miles range left. Right now, I am getting anything between 17 -23 miles depending on how cold it gets and how much I use the electric heater. I always preheat, but on very cold days the car cools down...
  13. G

    Long distance driving

    Regarding the points about false advertising, etc. by Mitsubishi regarding the potential mpg, surely people should be blaming the official testing authorities for not having a suitable test for hybrid vehicles, rather than blaming Mitsubishi ? Unless Mitsubishi have somehow cheated the test...
  14. G

    Long distance driving

    In that case my apologies, it wasn't obviuous from your post that it was a quote from someone else My point stands though, I don't think that 28mpg is an accurate reflection of what the vast majority of people should achieve if driving at 75mph.
  15. G

    Long distance driving

    If you can only achieve less than 28mpg when driving at 75mph, then I think it says more about your driving style than it does about the efficiency of the car.
  16. G

    Long distance driving

    I suppose it depends on your definition of "pretty high" - in comparison to what ? Its an 1800kg, 2.0L petrol SUV and will return c.35 mpg when driven on the motorway at 70-75 mph. Which similar vehicles produce significantly better fuel economy and lead you to your conclusion that the...
  17. G

    Long distance driving

    Yes, it is pretty sizeable, especially if you have also have the separate MMCS manual. However….I do recommend trying to read through it when you can, there is a lot of stuff in there that you wouldn’t find out about otherwise. The manual also looks worse than it is, if you ignore all the...
  18. G

    Long distance driving

    Fair enough if that’s how you choose to drive, but you can hardly then complain about the economy being poor and significantly less than you expected / was advertised ? And I do think that economy can be influenced by driving style, regardless of speed. My wife and I both drive at roughly the...
  19. G

    Long distance driving

    Others will give you chapter and verse on it, but the short and simple answer is that it is a very inefficient method of charging the battery. The fuel you use to do it will significantly outweight the range that you put into the battery so it is not something that should generally be done...
  20. G

    Instant MPG display GX3

    OK, so on that basis I can make this statement: Comparison between Outlander Diesel and PHEV has been done .. and PHEV has been shown to be more fuel efficient then diesel (once added in the equation the cost of electricity) You make the statement based on one scenario, I make it based on...