Recent content by Steve Purbrick

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. Steve Purbrick

    Hiya from Wales!

    I've been looking at a 2015 GX4hs, and nearly pulled the trigger on one, but I'm going to look around a bit more first. I can only afford a high-miler.
  2. Steve Purbrick

    Hiya from Wales!

    Thanks for the welcome, everyone. But it seems another Steve is replying to the posts....
  3. Steve Purbrick

    Do I need to worry about high mileage on used models?

    I'm looking at a high-mileage 2016 Outlander for sale that has 162,000 miles on it, and is a Category S, repaired in 2019. How much do I need to worry about high miles on an Outlander, please? Anything to look out for?
  4. Steve Purbrick

    Hiya from Wales!

    Hoping to learn more about the Outlanders here with an aim to getting my own pretty soon. Going to have a good trawl!