Warning light

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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Feb 6, 2023
Hi guys. I have another slight problem and tbh there's no point in looking elsewhere because you guys the oracle of all knowledge LoL
Anyway on my 2019 Outlander phev , I'm getting an Orange triangle with an exclamation mark inside coming up on my dash. Can anybody tell me what it means please. Many thanks.


If you page through the Dashboard screens, you should be able to see what that warning was about.

There is a button on the dashboard, near the steering wheel, that has an image of two rectangles, on over the other, that's the paging button.

Most typically, that warning is to show that I've left the vehicle without turning it off (for me).

The car does this every time I get out to close (or open) the roller door on my carport.

That warning is something like: "Key not detected."

If you provide more information about what you were doing before the warning, that would help us determine what caused it.

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