Should I run in B1-5 on the motorway?

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Aug 24, 2015
Hi. I've had my PHEV G4h for 3 months now and done 6,000 miles. Should I run on one of the B settings on the motorway? Can't decide what's best to maximise efficiency
jkh112 said:
B0 is the most efficient, assuming you do not need to use the brakes.

I would add : ... assuming you do not need the brakes, and your speed is not constant.

At constant speed (even if I know that in B0 - B1 it's difficult to keep a constant speed without CC) there is no difference between B0 -...- B5.
Grigou said:
jkh112 said:
B0 is the most efficient, assuming you do not need to use the brakes.

I would add : ... assuming you do not need the brakes, and your speed is not constant.

At constant speed (even if I know that in B0 - B1 it's difficult to keep a constant speed without CC) there is no difference between B0 -...- B5.

And on the flat - otherwise you miss out on coasting down hills. Although the faster you are going, the steeper the hill needs to be to overcome air resistance to benefit. However, having used it on the French autoroutes (less traffic than UK) I felt CC (B2 default) probably was more economical overall than trying to maintain speed with the right foot - even used the speed control on the steering wheel as a hand throttle when required :eek:
I have tried various options, from B5 through to coast and didn't really find that much difference from an efficiency perspective.

So since most of my motorway driving is on the M25 which either acts as a car park or a giant accordion I tend to run the car in B3, simple gear lever to Drive, then a single tap of the gear lever to B putting it into B3. This way i get the extra benefit of the B3 engine break equivalent without too much concern about the dolt on my bumper behind me.
greendwarf said:
I felt CC (B2 default) probably was more economical overall than trying to maintain speed with the right foot
Where your right foot controls the throttle, CC controls the generator in order to maintain a constant speed: The engine load is kept at a constant level (as much as possible) and the generator is used to 'absorb' more or less power as needed, in order to maintain a constant speed. I can imagine how that would be more efficient.