SD card

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Jan 16, 2019
Southwater, Horsham, UK
Hi, I've just acquired a 2015 Outlander PHEV and I'm suffering from the iPod playing issues (confirmed by other posts) so I've decided to go down the SD card route for my music. Can anyone advise me on the SD they've used, what size (by that I mean how many tracks/albums), make, things to look out for.

Many thanks in advance
I bought a 32 GB SD card (SanDisk Ultra, 80MB/s). With about 200 CD's on it I still have 6GB free. I had tried my old iPod and it worked OK, but it's easier to navigate with the SD card (not great, but a bit easier) and less hassle than having the clunky old iPod in the arm rest.

Sound quality varies of course depending on the compression rate used when ripping the CDs, but I find the sound quality far superior to streaming over BlueTooth.
nils944 said:
I bought a 32 GB SD card (SanDisk Ultra, 80MB/s). With about 200 CD's on it I still have 6GB free. I had tried my old iPod and it worked OK, but it's easier to navigate with the SD card (not great, but a bit easier) and less hassle than having the clunky old iPod in the arm rest.

Sound quality varies of course depending on the compression rate used when ripping the CDs, but I find the sound quality far superior to streaming over BlueTooth.

Many thanks Nils. I too find the bluetooth option very poor volume/quality. I have more or less decided on using a 32Gb card. The information you gave about quantity of CDs is what I was particularly looking for, Thank you
Looking back through some of the thread on here, it appears that although the size of the card isn't too critical (some people on other forums have reported issues with 128GB and above), there is a limit on the number of files. If you can stay below about 3000 tracks you'll be fine it seems. If you've got more than that, then go for multiple smaller cards.
It turns out the MMCS couldn't read all of the music files on my SD card. As discussed in other threads there are file and folder limits that need to be considered when setting up the folder structure on the SD card. See even this thread:

I found an MMSC manual on the internet (I didn't get one with my car) and it states the limits are as follows:

max 8 folder levels (including root)
max 100 folders,
and max 255 files, with a caveat that it may not recognize some tracks if even less than 255.

However the file limit doesn't seem to be correct since I set up a test folder with around 290 files and could see them all on the MMCS plus lots of other files in other folders. Perhaps it's a soft limit per folder.

I was definitely missing a lot of folders even though I could see over 100 folders in total, so I guess the folder limit has some flexibility.

In summary you're better off getting smaller (say 16GB) SD cards and keeping the number of folders to 100 per card.
Thank you everyone for your helpful replies.
I ended up using a 32gb card as I had one spare knocking about. Putting the music I thought I wanted on it I'm only using about 1/4 of its capacity. It works fine and I'm happy with the result.
Still wish one of my ipods worked though - another thing about the car that doesn't work as implied.

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