Samsung s5 connection

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New member
Apr 10, 2016
I recently pickup my new PHEV Outlander GX4S and had a great deal of trouble getting the car to pair with my Galaxy S5. My dealer eventually found the problem. which was the passcode 1212 as the S5 and maybe other Samsung devices like a code of 0000.
This is what they found.
The car must not have tried to pair with 1212. Nor must your phone.
So restart the phone and switch off the car.
Start the car and go to pairing select fixed passcode and change passcode to 0000
Then start your phone and make visible and scan.
Select hands free system and all should be well.
The important thing is that the S5 and the car must not know about passcode 1212 or any other code but 0000. The only way they can be cleaned is a restart.
Good luck
Very interesting.

When I paired my S5 I was prompted to add a pass code and it worked fine.

I can't remember which way around it was though...

It's possible (perhaps even likely) that this behaviour varies by the version of Android installed.