New graphs in technical discussions. Colours and such.

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
Near Port Macquarie Australia
Hi all,

I am starting to see some great graphs appearing in the Technical discussions.

But I have a confession to make. I am having trouble making out some of the colours used to represent the data.

I will bring in an example supplied by anko.


Now do not get me wrong I love these types of graphs to represent data and thank you anko for making it. :D but I am having trouble telling some of the data colours apart especially in the legend.

It might be the bright white background or just the colours used. I am not sure. :oops:

I will bring in one I made a fair while ago.

Now I have no trouble seeing the colours better on this one I made with black background and bright colours although my red numerals up the side of the graph could be brighter.

But I could be biased because I made it to suit my eyes. :)

Is just me and my crappy eyes? :?

I probably am just too damn old. :cry:


Regards Trex.
I did try and suggest the pastel colour problems in another thread. I have made my own program for looking at OBD data and have used primary colours for graphs. I believe we need to have some standards in place. Better not to clutter the tech threads with confusion.

I hope the moderators can input with some guidelines here.
I have been working on data from the PHEV and here are some examples of bold graphs

The first is petrol consumption in red and speed in blue vs time for about 200km of driving.


Keeping the graphs simpler, allows for some annotations.

I am still working on my presentations, to find the best way to show how my PHEV works. From my example above, I have come to the conclusion that the PHEV is a very difficult beast to model, and short drives are good for spot data, but economy trends will require longer trips. half a tank of petrol seems to reduce any bias introduced by the battery in the economy calculations. Any graphs we make have to be clear and hopefully only present objective data that will be of general use to all PHEV drivers.