Loading music files through user SD port: file size limit?

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Jul 24, 2014
I spent a while filling up a 32GB SD card with tunes yesterday, and was happy that the MMCS loaded the card fairly quickly. That was until about the first 16GB or so was read, then it gave up, with a message to the tune of 'maximum list length loaded' (or something like that).
It's a bit of a mystery, since I believe that the MMCS supports 64GB. Could it be that there is a maximum char length for the list entries, or that it loads the list to a limited local RAM (perhaps for Gracenote CDDB)? Any thoughts on this?

Edit: I see this topic has been previously discussed in http://www.myoutlanderphev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=285.

Soo... I guess using the USB port is the way forward. Anyone tried using a USB-powered HDD, does the port deliver enough juice?
there is a limit to the total number of media files which I think is 100 ( very low limit IMO )
and folder/filenames can only be ALPHNUMERIC and I think there is a limit on the total number of folders and nesting....
Its in the MMCS manual somewhere...
From my recollection reading the manual some weeks ago, the limit of all nested folders that can be read on the SD card is 255. Would be good if MMC issued a firmware upgrade to the entertainment unit that would fix this. Looks like I'll have to put my music collection on a tiny micro USB stick that won't get bashed or broken off in the slot.
I have a small 32gb usb stick (Sandisk Cruzer) and it seems pretty safe in the armrest slot. Over 100 albums just nested into alphabetic groups A-C D-G etc chosen depending on how many in each group.

When first put in the car it takes forever to scan but seems to learn the structure after that and is much quicker.

The one bizarre thing with the MMCS is that if I just navigate by folders (as I prefer to) it works fine. But if I ever choose one of the select by artist, album etc functions I can't get out of it back to folder navigation! Using by artist, album works badly for me I think because not all my music has good MP3 tagging and I have compilations. The only way to get back to folder navigation is to pull the stick and put it back again that I have found.
Colby said:
From my recollection reading the manual some weeks ago, the limit of all nested folders that can be read on the SD card is 255. Would be good if MMC issued a firmware upgrade to the entertainment unit that would fix this. Looks like I'll have to put my music collection on a tiny micro USB stick that won't get bashed or broken off in the slot.

I now use spotify and stream, but for back up I've got a little USB that hardly protrudes (its tiny!). There are several but mines a "sandisk cruzer fit" 32Gb (eg: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cruzer-Fit-Flash-Drive-SDCZ33-032G-B35/dp/B00812F7O8 ) the amazon one is £11 but alternative seller is £9 incl post. At loads of places even Argos