I just used the number 22 as an average minimum to expect to be unavailable. I would be very wary of presenting numbers with too many significant figures. I doubt the car measurements are that good.
Time will tell how the battery ages. A wise man once told me that a battery life is the sum total of the total Ah in and out, in relation to the plate capacity. Temperature and Amps and operation outside of design voltages de-rate the life. Fast charging and discharging as well as too cold, or hot reduce the life.
My driving needs require petrol consumption approx half the time, and it may be that the ICE operation reduces the peak battery needs enough to gain life expectancy at the expense of a bit more petrol. It will depend on the battery replacement cost to see if it is more efficient than burning some petrol and deferring its replacement.
We have an objective way of getting data from the computers, so we will be able to monitor these important components over time without additional payments at service.
I will be looking at the possibility of using a WiFi Arduino chip that I already have and a tablet, or laptop, to automate live data extraction and recording. For the moment the Ah can be easily retrieved and will suffice my immediate needs.
BTW is battery voltage available in line 762 22? mine read 304 and this is like the pack voltage. Will check after a full recharge and when depleted.