Today tried the Diode Method again, allowing 60 seconds for charging to start.
4 diodes gave 8.8volts, which changed to a steady 9.26volts after a clunk at 23 seconds, but no more clunks or charging after 60 seconds.
With 3 diodes and 2 diodes, clunk and voltage rise at 23 seconds, but no charging.
1 diode gave almost immediate charging, volts changed to 14.4V too fast to accurately read, but about 11.3 volts.
So almost no clunking and no charging at reduced volts.
After packing up I opened WatchDog, and saw that the status was now 38aH at 100% !!!!!!
I'm sorry I didn't do WatchDog after each attempt, so I have no idea when the reset happened.
Apologies for the screenshot, haven't investigated how to do a screen-grab with my tablet, and didn't want to loose the evidence :->
Incidently, what are all the tiny white icons at the top of my screen, look like tiny Chrome symbols, and seem to appear after WatchDog activity ?
So maybe it's just the low volts that is resetting, I seem to remember a post about it happening to someone whose battery had run down while they were away on holiday or similar?