charging miles

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Mar 5, 2020
Hello, I have recently purchased new Outlander PHEV 4H Nov '19. Currently charging on standard 13 amp plug socket (home charger point on order) When charging fully completed the vehicle has never shown on from electric charge a range of more than 21 miles. I appreciate these vehicles are all susceptible on actual miles when driving due to many different aspects, but if it never shows more than 21 miles after full charge, the most it could ever give is 21 miles. I would of thought it would show somewhere between 28-32 miles maybe after FULL charge (appreciate unlikely to achieve when driving.) Is this the norm please or are there people seeing a full charge mileage in excess of 21?
Thank you
Hi Ebb - don't worry about the indicated range! You'll see from other posts that it's called the 'guessometer' and it's a name well earned!

It bases the range on your last trip and it changes all the time!

In my instance, I travelled on the motorway and after a charge, my EV range was 20 miles. I then drove through the streets (maximum of 30mph) using up my battery and after a charge, my EV range showed 31 miles.

However, I drove on the motorway and I calculated my battery was empty after 15 miles.

In another incident, I started on the motorway (for a short journey) but when I came off (still on my battery) and started driving at 30mph, my EV range increased slightly.

Hope this helps.


I also have a 2019 4H, with 10k miles on the clock. Bought 6 weeks ago. Don't rely on the [*]guessometer[*] which is based on your last trip. Check the odometer. If I drive like I did in my Honda CRV, I get about 16 to 20 miles on pure electric from full charge in cold weather in the UK with heater on. I was very disappointed about this. But if I go very sedately, slow acceleration, move paddes to B4 or B5 when I need to slow down or brake and B0 for cruising and downhill, keep speed below 50mph, and heater off, I can get 27 to 30 electric miles with outside temp around 12c. And the guessometer then reads a similar range for my next trip. I think I might be able get over 30 miles electric when the weather warms up. Most of my round trips are under 35 miles and trying to maximise the electric range is my challenge. I'm sure it will wear off! Wrap up well and don't bother with the challenge if you have passengers who will think you are a miserly dodderer.
It cannot be overstated how much the range depends on driving style and weather conditions.

I get wonderful range out of mine but:
(a) rarely drive faster than 60 km/h;
(b) don't drag race at traffic lights; and
(c) don't accelerate up to red traffic lights.

Your range will fall in winter, and will plummet if you drive faster than 100 km/h.
(As speed goes up the car's air resistance goes up).

Battery chemistry is so dependent on temperature, I've had days where I started out with 35 km range, and had 40 km range when I got into the car in the afternoon. (After driving 8 km to work.)

The guessometer often makes WILD predictions.

After taking my brother to a pub in the hills, I came home, downhill all the way.

The next day, the guessometer was predicting 85 km range!

Ebb said:
Hello, I have recently purchased new Outlander PHEV 4H Nov '19. Currently charging on standard 13 amp plug socket (home charger point on order) When charging fully completed the vehicle has never shown on from electric charge a range of more than 21 miles. I appreciate these vehicles are all susceptible on actual miles when driving due to many different aspects, but if it never shows more than 21 miles after full charge, the most it could ever give is 21 miles. I would of thought it would show somewhere between 28-32 miles maybe after FULL charge (appreciate unlikely to achieve when driving.) Is this the norm please or are there people seeing a full charge mileage in excess of 21?
Thank you

No it is not "the norm" - as the other posts point out there isn't one, as we all have different driving styles, journeys and geography to deal with. But my 2014 car is consistently reported 23 miles even with 45k on the clock.

Just to be clear the figure is always only the potential distance you could drive if it was similar to the last one. What you don't say is where you live in UK to judge how much overnight temperature might be effecting capacity.
My brother same car same month fully charge it shows 32 mile all the time mine shows 21 full charge
Melvyn said:
My brother same car same month fully charge it shows 32 mile all the time mine shows 21 full charge

Not sure what you mean - that your brother and you have the same age of car as each other and/or the same age as mine?

You also don't say if you live near each other with similar driving patterns - daily distance, hills etc. - without more info its not very insightful.

It's a bit like saying we're identical twins - he has 3 children and I've got none without telling us that you're not married. :lol:
Hi i fully charge the battery few times and its just giving me around 8 to 10 mils and i ask the Mitsubishi to check battery but they said i have to pay £160 for check up , so please can some one advice me what to do? as i am new to the out lander , its 2017 model.
thank you
2017 - which means that the car is still under guarantee and you should not be charged for checking a legitimate potential problem. Talk to the head office of Mitsubishi in your country. And get another dealer.
My PHEV is six years old, with 40K on the clock. Your consumption with normal driving, and I mean Normal driving is around 20 to 21 miles at best.
However if you drove very carefully, at speeds not exceeding 40mph, even at 5 to 10 degrees Centigrade, you can get around 31 miles.
That is on condition that you rarely brake, anticipate beyond the yonder, use the flaps, and DO NOT use air con, or even turn the blower on. I find winding the window down by 0.2 inches will get rid of most of the condensation. [It is Covid season, so you should open the windows to circulate the air] Set it to Normal, not eco. Waste no energy. DO NOT accelerate at all. Gently does it. Do not use the All Wheel Drive. Do not use blue tooth. Empty the car; eg you can take out the rear bar which reduces the weight straight away by 0.5 KG. Drive only when it is bright. Switching the lights on reduces the range.

I drive 15.5 miles, to my work place and same back, making a total of 31 miles. That will empty all the battery just using battery. [No signs of petrol engine kicking in.] If due to temptation, I did one of the actions above eg accelerate even for 3 seconds, the shown efficiency drops from 100% eco instantly to around 97%. The pay back is when I am around 3 miles from home, the MPG instead of showing ----, then starts to show 98mpg, 97 mpg, 95 mpg. Then you know that your car is no longer doing 100 to 150 mpg. It is still okay, as it is only 3 miles from home. In summer, when I charge it up full, it says, 27 miles and now in winter, it says 24miles. Very angry.

All in all, pretty insufferable for being ecological.

At the end of the day, what is the point in having a car???

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