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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. R

    Car no work

    If your are doing the start by the book--and it wont start--check tht the brake lights illuminate to full brilliance on depressing the brake pedal if thats tghe case--aux battery is good--check at fuse box under bonnet at the emergency battery connection point in gthe fuse box--should bde 12...
  2. R

    ‘Charge mode’ - is that bad for the battery?

    Also dont forget to put the car in B1 or B2 Mode when driving ( sometimes this is B3 & B5 ) using the gear shifter and when already in D mode. ( If you use cruise control this changes the B options) . Otherwise then every time you brake or ease off on the accelerator you get a charge...
  3. R

    WiFI Network Key--Tow Hook

    Is there an diagnostic tool one can buy which will allow the owner to read this information ?? My Outlander is a 2020 2.4 PHEV with practically all the options available I can see the network SSID or NAME on my PC and on my iPhone --I need the network key to log in . nearest dealer is 80...
  4. R

    HUD windscreen display

    Thank you very much indeed --looks like it would do my job fine --can you give me the product name and model --Ill more than likely try one --it might also work well in a 911 I have --just want to see how to manage keeping power cables as tidy as possible Michael--Radioman Ireland
  5. R

    HUD windscreen display

    I would like to retrofit a Mitsubishi HUD to my RHD PHEV 2020 outlander --any one done it that could advise me please