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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. N

    Using a PHEV without chargers

    With regards to the running of an extension cable I had been told that it had to be the length of the supplied cable. 4.5 m Is it safe to use an normal extension cable or does it have to be high current one? Do you plug into a normal 13 amp socket or does it have to be on a seperate ring...
  2. N

    Using a PHEV without chargers

    Thanks for the information so far. Just to clarify things a bit more on the tax front. The model i would be ordering would be the GX3 and I would have to contribute £45 towards the lease. Though saving a lot this seems a lot. Further questions.... What is the driving like on the motorway...
  3. N

    Using a PHEV without chargers

    Hello I am thinking of getting an Outlander PHEV as my next company car, primarly to save on car tax. But i'm in the position of been unable to charge at home, I park on the road away from the house and work will not pay for my electric costs. Also when I get to work, work will not provide a...