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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. B

    Mitsubishi article on different S-AWC drive modes

    I don't know how many Canadian users may already have seen this online article from Mitsubishi Canada, but I thought it might interest some of the non-Canadians. Its a bit heavy on the marketing hype, but I found there to be some good information on how the different drive modes work. I've...
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    Heat pump at low temperatures

    This morning is 0C and I decided to remote start the heat on my 2023 to see how well it would work. Even though the car was locked, I had to relock it using the remote app before I could start the remote climate in the app (this is pretty common I find). After 10 minutes I checked the car and it...
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    Won't run in EV mode after fast charging

    I wonder if anyone else has experience with this. I have a 2023 and frequently take long highway trips with it. If I can spare the time, I will stop to charge it up at a CHAdeMO fast charger to about 80%. What I find is that the car behaves differently than when I leave home with it fully...
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    Towing with 2023 Outlander PHEV

    I’m going to break my experiences towing with my 2023 Outlander PHEV into 3 postings to make it easier to match comments. Towing Capacity: When I bought my Outlander there was confusion about the towing capacity. The US sites seemed to say 2000lbs, the Canadian ones 1500lbs. The local dealer...
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    Removing Rear Seats

    I will never need to take 7 passengers in the cramped space that the 2023 Outlander provides and I need every inch of cargo room for my wife's business, so I had the dealer take out the rear seats before I took delivery. I am attaching photos to show the removed seats, the hardware the dealer...