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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. M

    RBS error, EV system service required and car goes to limp mode after driving with the ICE

    Introduction: This is a 2014 model with 108,000 km on the clock. It is driven 98% of the time as an EV, always charged from home using a slow charger. Up to now it has never shown any problem when driving purely electric where I use the regenerative braking a lot, I try not to touch the brake...
  2. M

    D-Method on really stubborn cars or the A-Method :)

    I have been trying these battery disconnect methods for weeks trying to get more than 29Ah out of my stubborn Australian PHEV. BAZINGA ! Today I finally got it !!! It is a modification of the D-Method with precise instruction how to get it right. As this is the first time I am aware that it...
  3. M

    The different methods of battery management reset

    The discussion in the Lindqvist thread is getting a bit obscure when members start comparing the differences between the methods of these 'resets'. Therefore I hope we can continue this here in a dedicated thread so all this information is accessible in one place for future reference. So far...
  4. M

    Self built Electric Vehicles, batteries and speed controller

    >>> continuation from a discussion on the Lindqvist thread: First of all there is no "peak current" involved with these type of PMW speed regulators. It is a 200W regulator, not a 500W one. This is a German made legal vehicle and by law it is not permitted to produce more than 200W at...
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    Service Manual

    I can't search this forum because for some very strange reason the word "manual" is ignored :( What service manuals are you guys using and where can they be found? All I could find is this but the images are disabled :cry...
  6. M

    Regulated Solar Charging

    This is my first post. I am an electronic enthusiast and this post is mainly addressed to like minded, who are aware NOT to hold a soldering iron by it's business end :) I will be proud owner of a reasonably priced, used PHEV (2014) next week, which will be out of warranty soon. I am cash poor...