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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Thanks for your feedback. This is interesting: 3.85V looks like around 50% true SoC, was your battery indicator in the dashboard showing low/ empty? The proper time to keep the 12V disconnected has not been established yet and in your case looks like is was too short to discharge the SRAM...
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Bit astonished people are so quiet about this here. Could anybody who intends to do this procedure please read with the watchdog the cell voltage when their drive battery shows 'empty' before the procedure and the empty voltage value after a successful reset? ...and of course their trip...
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    Triple Procedure & Setup (Costs around 80USD)

    Sorry but I have to disagree. This is exactly the problem I have with off-grid battery installations and those "cheap" Chinese BMUs you are talking about, they are Chinese but cost $300, cheap is relative here. Their problem is that the balancing current is only around 100mA, so just trying to...
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    Triple Procedure & Setup (Costs around 80USD)

    Got the dongle now and my battery SoH is 29Ah/76.3% which is a bit lower than I expected. UnpluggedEV is messing around with a new replacement battery so what he says is irrelevant for those wlth older batteries. Maybe his problem is related to a software update, that others luckily don't have...
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    Triple Procedure & Setup (Costs around 80USD)

    He has 245 videos and talks on and on until I fall asleep before he finally gets to the point. Here one of his videos from 6 days ago he mentioned that he measured voltages without showing details but comes up with no explanation. None...
  6. M

    Triple Procedure & Setup (Costs around 80USD)

    Thanks for clearing up the smoothing/balancing myth if as you claim it is 100% reliable. Just wonder why people say their battery is better after it has been done. I do have a lot of experience with various types of Lithium batteries and battery balancers do not always work 100% when often...
  7. M

    Regulated Solar Charging

    Absolutely is now the plan :) but I decided to design it myself with a self programmed PIC micro and build it inside the J1772 plug that just has a long cable that goes straight into the 230V of my inverter or house mains. I will update, after the plug arrives that I ordered for a reasonable...
  8. M

    Triple Procedure & Setup (Costs around 80USD)

    Triple procedure can take up to 72hours. This has nothing to do with a magical reset but an electrical balancing of the batteries which is what they likely mean with smoothing. That can not be done with a reset that only takes a few minutes. Any errors accumulated with a buggy software can be...
  9. M

    Triple Procedure & Setup (Costs around 80USD)

    Please pardon my ignorance but how does his increase the capacity of the battery or is this about some bug that Mitsubishi left in the software for battery management? I find the difference in those before and after readings rather questionable and surely Mitsubishi would have addressed such...
  10. M

    Regulated Solar Charging

    Here a close-up of the corroded plug, nasty stuff:
  11. M

    Regulated Solar Charging

    Definitely going to build my own charger though, the supplied charger is a design nightmare. Just holding a 1MΩ test probe on the PWM signal switches on the fault LED. It was good that I took it apart though because a plug and wire on the power relay had signs of heat damage. Turned out it was...
  12. M

    Regulated Solar Charging

    Thanks elm70. I discovered if I go just 5km/h over the speed limit shortly before the hill on the highway I get to the top with help of the extra inertia without slowing traffic behind me. The police generally don't book you here with 5k's over and they always stand on the down hill stretches...
  13. M

    Regulated Solar Charging

    Thanks for the replies :) Yes I was looking into making one from scratch but the kits aren't that cheap either, although I found cheaper boards but lost the links. Would love to 'mess around' with Chademo but we Aussie's are not allowed to have that port, just a blank space and no hidden wires...
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    Service Manual

    I can't search this forum because for some very strange reason the word "manual" is ignored :( What service manuals are you guys using and where can they be found? All I could find is this but the images are disabled :cry...
  15. M

    Charging questions

    The reason is the amp rating of the wiring/components involved with charging. Laws of Physics are the intrinsic reason why 240V will always provide at least twice the power at any given amp rating but the amps for AC Level 1 (120V charging) are also limited to only 16A by design, while with 240V...
  16. M

    Unofficial PHEV wifi app

    I looked up member wazzad and he hasn't visited the forum since Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:45 am ! Unfortunately there will be no 'app'. This is something I do not expect anybody capable of doing without access to Mitsubishi's intellectual property, which of course would be highly illegal. Not that I...
  17. M

    Solar charging

    500W with quality panels gives you a daily average of 2kWh over the year in a sunny country, however on sunny summer days 3kWh could be possible. Considering that the PHEV uses only 9.6kWh of the battery and the older battery of a 2015 model would be less, having the car standing in the full sun...
  18. M

    Regulated Solar Charging

    This is my first post. I am an electronic enthusiast and this post is mainly addressed to like minded, who are aware NOT to hold a soldering iron by it's business end :) I will be proud owner of a reasonably priced, used PHEV (2014) next week, which will be out of warranty soon. I am cash poor...