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  1. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Thank you elm70 and RaZe73. This rules out the charger then, which simplifies the search for a solution. The only difference now is that you both have a ChaDeMo port and I don't. I can't believe they would have designed a different BMU just for us handful of Aussies but it might be time to get...
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Congratulations elm70 :D That you can see a successful reset immediately on the Dog is the most important information on this matter to date, well done. However I tried now probably 100 times but had no success. Always listening carefully to the relay clicks and disconnecting at various...
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    The PHEV has now LIM40 not LEV40 batteries, OK I will leave that fantasy beside, believe what you want. I promise I will not respond further to all that. - I have already tried shorting on the jumpstart terminal to no avail. There is no rest voltage measurable. There are not just diodes but DC...
  4. M

    Self built Electric Vehicles, batteries and speed controller

    Geez, get a grip. If 200W can move my fat ass at 20km/h with properly inflated tyres on standard asphalt I don't have to calculate shyte. It looks like a very simple PWM speed controller tutorial is required: A PWM speed controller is not some basic DC switch that lets all the energy freely...
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    You are not reading my posts. I said find please evidence from Yuasa the manufacturer, that the LEV40 has 5500 cycles! Secondlife, is NOT the manufacturer and can make up anything they want. They are selling USED batteries !!! Then you go on about some newer batteries that are not used in the...
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    Self built Electric Vehicles, batteries and speed controller

    That statement alone proves that you obviously skipped classes when you had science at school. I weigh over 80kg and both of my LEGAL E-bikes do fine on level roads at legal speed. Also that you now suddenly agree that speed controllers DO limit the power after elm70 mentioned it, but...
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    Self built Electric Vehicles, batteries and speed controller

    You are the one making the fantasy assumptions. Germans adhere very tightly to the law. At any time the police could ask to have a vehicle tested by the TÜV and the company Sachs would have a huge reputation to lose if they were selling illegal bikes designed and sold for license free use. This...
  8. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Thank you. That is very valuable information :) This might confirm my theory that different chargers may be the reason why this method works only for some, based on the time it takes for the charger to commence charge. As mentioned earlier, my charger takes so long that in the car 6 relays...
  9. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    That is exactly where I have researched as I mentioned above and find for the LEV50 only 700 cycles until 90% The Archive goes only to 2006 . from that link: Sounds more like it !!! 15 years servicing laptops and power tools with Li-Ion batteries
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Please provide proof for that claim of 5500 full cycles from the official website: and NOT some data sheet that somebody could had made up and is now circling on the internet, which I have seen already, possibly by somebody who is trying to sell used batteries...
  11. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Unfortunately all those "facts" become rather irrelevant when the battery of this expertly designed car after 60,000km has only 75% SoH left in it. That is the ONLY fact that I can 100% verify here. ...wait that is not true, I can verify that the Lindqvist method does not work. So those are the...
  12. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Despite you being a self claimed 'know-it-all' expert about batteries, it looks like you are a bit out of your league here with the bike and electronic speed controllers. This is taking the discussion too far off-topic so I have started a new thread in an appropriate section of the forum where...
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    Self built Electric Vehicles, batteries and speed controller

    >>> continuation from a discussion on the Lindqvist thread: First of all there is no "peak current" involved with these type of PMW speed regulators. It is a 200W regulator, not a 500W one. This is a German made legal vehicle and by law it is not permitted to produce more than 200W at...
  14. M

    Cell voltages during discharge - Log data wanted

    30m above sea level ...yeah rrright :),_Queensland Those ramps to get on and off the highway can be pretty steep too. Very sad if the car is not designed for that.
  15. M

    Cell voltages during discharge - Log data wanted

    Thanks for your feedback guys. I live on the coast, when I say hills, they are fairy short and not steep inclines, maybe 30 seconds 5˚. Former owner lived in Brisbane, known for it's mud flats, no proper hills there either. It is fairly hot there. Many days exceed 30˚C but from the near new...
  16. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    WHAT A LOAD OF CROCK! While it is admirable that you collect batteries, that can hardly be representative for the huge amount of people who are dissatisfied with their PHEV battery degradation, otherwise we would not be having all these forum threads about the topic and guys like Andy on...
  17. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Oh I am hearing you very loud and clear here. About 10 years ago I used 7s flight Lipo's in an electric bicycle. They had 20C discharge ability but the bike never demanded more than 2C and it went up the hills like a rocket when I first installed them. So I always kept them fully charged and...
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    If I am THAT FAR, that I have taken it all apart to access the individual cells, I am not going to waste one further second on those old cells and I will replace them all with brand new LEV50s.
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    @michalsarna, do you have the same charger as mine in the image above?
  20. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    It will not restore a battery that has truely degraded to lets say 85%. It MAY correct an error that the system is reporting by resetting to original factory settings. A degraded battery will show it's true face very soon again, based on performance. A 5 year old battery showing still 85% is...