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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. T

    The fuel consumption of the PHEV and how I decrease it.

    I've found that it stays in Series mode even above 40mph if the battery is cold. I do a 15-mile journey fairly regularly, and Parallel mode doesn't kick in for quite a while if it's near freezing. It's fine in summer.
  2. T

    Maintaining SOC while towing a caravan / under heavy load

    The 'B' settings remap the throttle and change the point on the throttle (accelerator) where regen kicks in. You can see this by maintaining a constant speed up a hill and changing the 'B' settings - the car will accelerate as the 'B' goes down as the throttle is remapped. For the same reason...
  3. T

    Battery Health Check procedure - correct method?

    If each charge cycle while driving normally is (say) 5%, for Lithium batteries you generally count that as 1/20 of a charge cycle. So 20 of them would equal a full one. But I have no idea how much a charge cycle while driving is, as it's complicated by the fact that the battery has top (and...
  4. T

    Battery Health Check procedure - correct method?

    Except that it's charging for way, way more than half the time when the ICE is powering the car on a long journey... ;)
  5. T

    Charging indicator light.

    And that's worth several hours of your time, is it?
  6. T

    My electric generator stops in 10 seconds

    All the 12V battery does is start the computers and connect the drive battery to the systems when you press start. After that the 12V power comes from the drive battery via DC-DC converter and the 12V battery is then more of a buffer. So the 12V battery might have confused some of the systems on...
  7. T

    Motor cut-out on steep hill climb

    You can see this by driving (or reversing) up to a kerb and stopping when you're touching it. I was parked like this and then someone parked blocking me in a bit, so I needed to reverse up the kerb to get out. The car would not climb the kerb from a standstill whatever combination of buttons I...
  8. T

    Charging indicator light.

    So rather than spend 2 minutes sorting it out yourself, would you take it to the dealer for them to sort it out? :roll:
  9. T

    My electric generator stops in 10 seconds

    I can't see how the drive battery could become "critically low" unless some control system in the car has failed. Everything the PHEV does is to maintain that battery at a decent level. Just leaving the car unused will not drain the drive battery. It should last for months at or about the SOC...
  10. T

    Let's stop ICEheat, when cold...

    What were those stupid Mitsubishi engineers thinking of? Maybe you should apply and teach how a real engineer would do it :roll:
  11. T

    How to use 110 V AC outlet without headlights on

    Have you got a PDF of the manual? At least you can then do a text search...
  12. T

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    So your battery had degraded so much that it was only safe to draw out 24.7Ah, but you've decided it's perfectly fine to draw out 38Ah. Good luck with that!
  13. T


    That's strange. I would have expected it to take the max power of the full 3.6kW; unless of course the battery was nearly full.
  14. T

    Battery Health Check procedure - correct method?

    Batteries degrade more as they near their theoretical capacity, so I wonder if having a buffer at the "top end" would reduce degradation. Most EV manufacturers appear to do this, though it appears that Tesla do not. That would mean that the buffer would remain as the battery degrades, which...
  15. T

    Are my tyres an illegal type

    Absolute rubbish. Those are the Original Equipment tyres, fitted by the manufacturer because they could get a good deal that is what they were able to source that was a good compromise for the vehicle at their price point. Also they're Japanese makes for a vehicle made in Japan. But earlier...
  16. T

    Battery Health Check procedure - correct method?

    Lithium batteries degrade with use due to charging/discharging. They degrade over time regardless of use. They will happily hold their charge for weeks, though storing a battery with high or low charge also degrades the battery. For long-term storage, it should be around 50% full as this is...
  17. T

    Battery Health Check procedure - correct method?

    The warranty for the battery and EV components for a 2016 car (and indeed a late 2015 car) is 8 years, so you have until 2024 to claim for battery degradation. The mechanical warranty is 5 years for those cars. I've not seen any definitive reference to this extra 20% which the car then uses...
  18. T

    Electric shock when charging?

    If it's a one-off (and the current doesn't continue to flow), an electric shock is normally caused by several thousand volts of static electricity building up on the car which is insulated from the ground by the rubber tyres. It is then earthed when you touch ground and the car. That is...
  19. T

    Do not be scared of using that charge button.

    I'm a great believer in B5 motoring, because I can do everything that anyone can do in B0, plus I don't have to faff around with the paddles or the brake pedal if I want the extra regen. You get much the same max regen when you press the brake pedal whichever 'B' mode you're in, so no extra...
  20. T

    Cross bars ?

    Thanks. Sadly not available on the UK's website