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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. T

    Advice for a long drive

    I use the Adaptive CC on our 4hs on long journeys. But I do find that I can spot a reason to slow down far sooner than it can, as it reacts only to the car in front whereas the Mk2 eyeball can see a problem brewing much further ahead. Then the annoyance is that it's set back to 'D' (B2) when you...
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    Advice for a long drive

    That's odd. In SAVE, ours will use either parallel or series depending on the speed, just like normal.
  3. T

    B0 to B5

    As mentioned, the car will use the max regen it can when you do press the brake pedal (based on battery percentage, temperature, etc.). You can also coast in any 'B' setting - changing the number merely alter the coasting point. You can set it coast when you lift your foot totally of the...
  4. T

    Advice for a long drive

    Don't forget that the charging gets less efficient as the battery gets above 60%, so the ICE might not be able to run in its most efficient envelope. So I do much the same as you, except that I switch to SAVE if the battery gets too full.
  5. T

    Best way for charging

    Charging at an EH charger costs 30p/kWh. That gives me 6kWh to 80%, or roughly 20 miles, for £1.80. Assuming 35mpg, 20 miles would use 0.57 gallons or 2.6 litres. At £1.20 per litre, that's over £3 of petrol for my £1.80 charge. Even at an extremely generous 40mpg, that's £2.73
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    MG battery factory

    We have a 2015 ZOE for commuting - it does ~10k miles a year driving into Leeds and back. It cost ~£5k 3½ years ago, and the same 2015 R240 (22kWh) model sells for much the same price now.
  7. T

    which charging cable away from home

    It depends where you are based, but cars using Type 1 "chargers" are getting less common in Europe - the main cars were Mk1 Leafs and our PHEV. So you can often pick up a secondhand type 1 to type 2 cable quite cheaply. The PHEV only ever takes a maximum of 16A, so you can save a small amount by...
  8. T

    cant start _ Mitsubishi cant find any fault

    A low 12V can give all sorts of weird outcomes, though I've never heard of this set of errors. It's certainly worth checking it just in case.
  9. T

    Battery Charge/Save Buttons

    I'm not sure why it matters what the mpg is as the car isn't being "inefficient". I'm afraid it is doing exactly what it was designed to do when not enough fuel has been used over 3 months (or 93-ish days). I'm also afraid that there is nothing you can do to change it except go for a longer...
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    new owner phev

    I had a similar problem when a garage "misplaced" the locking wheelnut adapter on our Mazda. I went in to our local Mazda dealer, and they were able to try all the adapters they had in for their various cars until they found one that fitted. They were then able to order me a replacement which...
  11. T

    Factory charger fault

    I must admit that mine was left on 24/7 when we used it to charge the car. The plug and brick were inside the garage with just the charging part of the cable poking out. We did stop when I noticed the the plug was warm in direct sunshine in the summer (NSS!) but it still seems to charge fine...
  12. T

    Battery Charge/Save Buttons

    According to some experiments posted on here recently, the battery charges less efficiently above 60%. I thought that CHRG stops at around 80% capacity. That would explain the increase in mpg as the power demand for charging decreases, and why the ICE stops as the battery reaches around 80%. I...
  13. T

    Battery Charge/Save Buttons

    You really don't get it, do you? :roll: At higher speeds, the PHEV is more economical in Parallel mode than Series mode: Mitsubishi designed it that way. I have never, ever argued that that is not the case. But you're arguing that Parallel mode (at high speed, with all the extra forms of drag...
  14. T

    Battery Charge/Save Buttons

    I did indeed get my Parallel / Series mixed up. D'oh! But I think most people realised that it was a mistake rather than a fundamental misunderstanding of the PHEV and thus didn't feel the need to lecture me
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    Battery Charge/Save Buttons

    Thanks for that (and the condescending tone) but it doesn't really answer the question I asked. It says that if you are going to run at higher speeds, it is more efficient to run the PHEV in Series mode if the battery is low. So indeed Mitsubishi (and Chevy with the Volt - are there others?)...
  16. T

    Battery Charge/Save Buttons

    All I asked originally was, "Please show me a link to research that proves that this is true for our PHEV. I have still not seen any scientific proof in 3 years of ownership." You can argue all you want, but you haven't answered the question. And then you get angry because I point out you...
  17. T

    Battery Charge/Save Buttons

    So no figures for the PHEV then :roll: Just saying, "It is always true" is not really a proof, is it? Did you actually read the articles? The first is a summary with no figures whatsoever, just bland statements. The second is a report on a test with a motorised chopper, which is obviously...
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    Ran out of gas but depleted battery got me home

    There is a grid-scale battery in Australia that has saved the grid there millions already. I'm not "fixated on one technology" - where on earth do you get that idea. What I am interested in is the physics behind the hype. So I pointed out that Hydrogen is woefully inefficient. Fossil fuels...
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    Battery Charge/Save Buttons

    Please show me a link to research that proves that this is true for our PHEV. I have still not seen any scientific proof in 3 years of ownership.
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    Real-world tests of hybrid cars show higher-than-expected emissions

    Reading the article, it's even more facile than that. They seem to be saying that PHEVs don't get the fuel consumption that they get in the standard tests. NSS - that's no surprise as almost no cars do. For short journeys, of course the EV side rules and the fuel consumption is almost...