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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. T

    Which cable?

    You'll need a type 2 to type 1 cable - loads around if you use a search engine. You only need a 16A cable as the PHEV can't charge any faster. But a 32A cable is only a few quid more, thicker so more robust, but harder to coil up. You may find one secondhand, but the main users are Mk1 LEAFs and...
  2. T

    Battery Charge/Save Buttons

    Thanks for that blinding glimpse of the obvious almost 4 moths after the previous post
  3. T

    Home charging station question

    I have no knowledge whatsoever of what is available on the other side of the Pond
  4. T

    Home charging station question

    Really? My 7kW charger is 240V
  5. T

    Home charging station question

    Though a 7kW charger would also make you ready for when/if you decide to buy an EV
  6. T

    Granny cable plug check

    The heating in the plug is caused by resistance. If the connections were perfect, it would generate heat only from the internal wiring. If the connections are terrible, it would generate loads of heat at the joints and would melt/catch fire. I want to move mine closer to the former as it feels...
  7. T

    Granny cable plug check

    But how "warm" is "warm"? ;) It's not too hot to hold, but is warmer than any other plug I've ever touched. I just want to stop it getting worse...
  8. T

    Granny cable plug check

    Everything looks fine. I did clean the connections (end-caps) of the fuse and the wriggly spring clips in the plug with fine emery paper and cleaned everything off afterwards. The problem is that once it's warm enough to feel the heat, it's general rather than localised. I suppose I could buy or...
  9. T

    Towing in hilly areas

    If you regularly accelerate away from a standstill while towing in EV-mode, all your power is coming from the battery at a high 'C' level, which isn't good for the battery. Surely it's better for longevity of the battery to use the power from the ICE for high power applications and save the...
  10. T

    out of gas and can't open!

    I think that they might have sorted it out in the intervening 18 months :roll:
  11. T

    Granny cable plug check

    Apologies for the delay - minor family emergency meant I've been away. It happens in any socket that I use. I only use it away from home so it gets plugged into various places...
  12. T

    Granny cable plug check

    The 3-pin plug on our charger cable has started getting hot while charging; it's not meltingly so or too hot to handle, but it's warmer than I'd like. We only use it occasionally as we usually use our untethered chargepoint and cable. I understand why this is likely to be happening, but what can...
  13. T

    B0 to B5

    I taught myself to brake with my left foot many years ago in an automatic, so you can hover your left foot over the brake while using your right for the accelerator. It's easy enough to learn if you're young enough, but I'm not sure I'd try to learn now - old dog, new tricks...
  14. T

    B0 to B5

    But of course you can always coast in any 'B' setting, so B5 gives you all the regen it can as well as allowing you to coast whenever you want. Whereas you can only get regen in B0 by pressing the brakes. That's why I always drive in B5 except on long journey, where I use ACC which manages the...
  15. T

    UK Rear Brake Caliper Safety Recall

    I would suggest that if you need to rely on the FCM to stop you having accidents, you need to have some advanced driving lessons. The only time FCM has kicked in for me was when navigating a multi-storey car park and it didn't like the tight turns
  16. T

    What's the difference between the GX4, GX4h & GX4hs?

    There were only 4h and 4hs, along with 3h, 3h+, 5h and 5hs. The 's' suffix denoted a suite of safety features such as FCM and ACC using a front-mounted radar. It apparently also lowers your insurance costs
  17. T

    Best economy for motorway drive

    While your willingness to experiment is admirable, unless the driving conditions, weather and geography were identical for both tests, they're fairly meaningless. Plus a sample of one is also notoriously random. On the same drive down from Yorkshire to Cornwall to visit by brother, my...
  18. T

    Servicing options for West London

    The cats for many Toyotas simply hang beneath the car: they can be removed in a few seconds. The one on the PHEV is high up in the engine bay, and would require the removal of huge amounts of parts to access. No tea-leaf is going to spend several minutes hacking the PHEV one out if there's a...
  19. T

    Best economy for motorway drive

    The PHEV needs a fixed amount of energy to get from A to B. Once the battery is empty, all that energy has to come from the ICE. So the car will have to charge the battery for way more than half the time whatever you do, and saying that using CHRG is less economical than using some other option...
  20. T

    Advice for a long drive

    It might be because ACC uses variable regen to control the speed before it uses the brakes.