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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. T

    My spare tyre solution. with photo's.

    Just back from another trip abroad, though without the car this time. We only carry the spacesaver on longer journeys, where it is usually covered by various pieces of unsecured luggage or skis. No one seems to think that they should be tied down. ;) We've had 2 punctures in the past 18...
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    Save vs charge

    There's a lot of misunderstanding about CHRG. Yes it will use more fuel while it is pressed, but then it uses none when it later runs on electric power only: overall the effect isn't really noticeable. Don't forget that the car runs in what is effectively Charge mode most of the time on a long...
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    My spare tyre solution. with photo's.

    Looks good. Our simpler solution was to buy a spacesaver and just leave it flat on the boot floor :lol: The well is a good place to store the charging cables and we can easily pack around and on top of it. We tend to take it out when travelling locally, so a permanent mounting would be wasted...
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    False Advertising - Class Action Lawsuit

    And how much range will this procedure recover every 2 years? Our 8-year-old car went in to the dealer as the range was low. At 98k miles, the BMU was showing 65.6%. After a full overnight DBCAM it was still less than 70%. So after 8 years untouched, the BMU was out by around 0.5% a year -...
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    False Advertising - Class Action Lawsuit

    Seriously!? :roll: :lol: The reason they add what you call a "software depletion algo to the BMU" is that the capacity of the battery degrades over time, so their software needs to reflect that. This is so that they're not trying to draw more energy out of a battery than it can deliver. By...
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    2014 Outlander Phev 3H with overreving and vibration on steering when cold

    Another possibility if you're in a cold climate is that moisture in the air in the tyres freezes out overnight and acts like a wrongly-positioned balance weight. As the tyres warm up, the water melts and then evaporates back into the air so the problem disappears without trace :roll:
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    PHEV spare tyre

    Info the possible errors in Richi's FAQ, section L3:
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    New Outlander with issues

    Eventually! It sometimes seems like an age between me putting my foot down and it kicking in, especially when you're trying to merge with traffic!
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    PHEV spare tyre

    That's wrong - it might cause an error if you're unlucky. Mine was supplied by a dealer with 2 differently worn pairs of makes front and rear and it never caused a problem in the 10k and 20k miles till I replaced them. The cars do seem to vary in sensitivity to a mismatch, so some throw up a...
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    Electric charging problems

    The 32-mile EV range is only if you drive it in the most efficient manner possible in ideal conditions - it's the same as the quoted mpg figures on ICE cars in that few ever achieve them. The battery on our February 2015 model is right around the 70% SOH cut-off after running the DBCAM - we're...
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    Buying 2nd hand with warning lights (12v?)

    A plethora of errors like that is very likely to be a problem with the 12V battery. There have been many, many posts on this forum and the various FB groups with just such errors and I've had similar errors after leaving the car undriven for 2 months. But there is a small chance that it's not...
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    Unwanted/needed engine start

    The car is almost certainly working exactly as it was designed to. If that isn't what you want, that's not a "design flaw", just a mismatch between your expectations and reality.
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    Heater draining battery

    On my 2015 car, if the car is fully charged before the timed heating comes on, it doesn't seem to start to charge again. It's almost as if the charging system has "gone to sleep". My workaround is to set the heating timer and the charging to start at the same time, as then it works fine. This...
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    Stays in Series mode at 70mph

    We've just come back from a trip the French Pyrenees, followed by the Italian and Swiss Alps. We had temperatures down to -16C. My trick was to make sure that the car was well-charged by the evening - relatively easy when descending from the resorts to our apartments. Climbing back to the resort...
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    'EV system service required' when Chademo charging stops

    Will it physically degrade the battery, or is it just that using it regularly will cause the BMS's guess on battery health to slip further from reality as it doesn't balance the cells?
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    Avon ZX7 Tyres - A Salutory Lesson

    And how do the police identify "winter tyres"? By using the 3-Alp symbol :roll: CCs are legally winter tyres for use in the parts of Europe that require them. If you want to be complete, you've missed off the timings for the various countries that winter tyres must be used - of course the...
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    Burning rubber smell from rear or Vehicle when in charge setting.

    The rear motor mounts are a known weak spot, and many people have had them replaced without any reports of a burning smell. The only time I have smelt burning is after a long climb with the engine revving in Series mode, which tallies with the opinion that it is rubber burning off the hot...
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    Avon ZX7 Tyres - A Salutory Lesson

    Except that CCs have the 3-Alp symbol and so are certified for use in the Alps in winter (and elsewhere that requires that symbol)
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    Stays in Series mode at 70mph

    That's what should be happening. On mine it doesn't in (UK) cold weather unless I heat the battery up by emptying it first. We're off to the Pyrenees then the Alps tomorrow, so we'll see if that still works in lower temperatures. The ICE will usually attempt to charge the battery in Parallel...
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    Does the 2016+ 4hs/5hs have Traffic Jam Assist?

    Certainly on our early 2015 model, it will bring the car to a standstill, but then flashes a warning and disengages. It's also rather jerky, so I try to disengage manually before that happens. It won't re-engage till 25mph - or a bit slower if there's a car moving in front of you.