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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. S

    Battery mileage

    Okay. Its only the first log but results are - Charged by Mitsubishi provided charger till it shut off which was over about 5 hours and a battery range indication of 32klms. Dash mileage = 33,156klms. This morning with 5 klms remaining on the battery indicator and the blue gauge a little below...
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    Battery mileage

    So I owe AndyinOz an apology. I'm such a dill - still in holiday mode I think (too much sun!). The disc temp readings are missing the decimal point which I couldn't see in the bright sunlight on the first two readings. I read the temps again after a short drive home and in the light of the...
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    Battery mileage

    Temps after a slightly longer drive this morning - Two fronts 379 and 402 and two backs 363 and 374. Ambient this morning was 22 degC. Both yesterday and this morning I drove the car 'default' - just hit the Ready button and drove off as per another posters advice to start logging actual...
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    Battery mileage

    Sorry. Went for a weeks holiday with family and didn't take the car. I have an infra red heat gun - I use it for motors and other things in my line of work. Drove up hill and down hill today - about 4.5 kilometres. Left car completely default - no charge, no B5 etc. Arrived to office and took...
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    Battery mileage

    Addressing brakes: handbrake is electronic. No handle. Switch. Up for on with orange indicator and down for off. I'm old fashion ed and don't like it much but it came with the car. It also has the hill assist which I do sort of like. Good idea about checking wheel temps and I will do so. No...
  6. S

    Battery mileage

    After the big trip to collect the car and it showed 66 kilometres range, I did run it all the way till the gauge blue had practically disappeared and that was when I did its first plug in charge and only achieved 33klms with the display showing it to be full, and the charger had cut off with the...
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    Battery mileage

    Yes - Ive read that. But even if I was to get 50kilometres range out of the vehicle, 80% = 40 kilometres and I'm only getting 24. What if I went and used one of these high speed DC chargers? Would that sort of "clear" it by being a more forceable charge? I've never used one but I read you can...
  8. S

    Battery mileage

    The brakes feel fine. Vehicle has only done 32,000 kilometres. I purchased from a huge Mitsubishi dealer on the Gold Coast and it went through their workshops and came out 100%. They gave me a new 7 year/150,000 kilometre warranty and 8 years on the battery - its a 2020 model. There doesn't...
  9. S

    Battery mileage

    So I drive 1.7klms to work 3 days a week. Tiny uphill when I leave the driveway, very long slope downhill to the main road and from then on dead flat till office. Yes - do have the air on all the time - its summer here in Sydney and not stinking hot but very humid. Two days a week I climb a...
  10. S

    Battery mileage

    I had started another post 'freeway charging' but it seemed to take a bit of a left turn so thought to start a new one. History: I took delivery of a used 2020 Outlander PHEV early January and drove it home 1092klms during which I saw after dividing drive settings and habits a battery mileage...
  11. S

    Water temp

    Another newbie question - Its obvious there's no water temp gauge for the motor (or batteries) by default in the dashboard. Is there a selection that I cannot find that brings up the engine temp? Is it available via the OBD port? Has anyone ever fitted a water temp gauge? AND: Is it possible...
  12. S

    extended range fuel tank?

    Yes, and it gets quite insistent about it if you keep going - Find Fuel NOW!
  13. S

    Comfort closing?

    But where? A previous reply said that a company Winsgo did it but only for left hand drives. My searching has come up with nothing, so if you know of a reliable source for such an accessory please pass it on.
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    freeway charging

    Thank you for the replies. Love driving it and charged it for the first time since arriving home (monday evening with 66klms EV range) last night with EV extinguished 1klm from home. I used B5 a lot because of my hilly terrain, but otherwise left it alone and the motor never fired up - I kept my...
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    extended range fuel tank?

    I think it might be a buyers demand sort of thing. 2 litre motor with 12kW battery became 2.4 litre with 13.8kW and now 20kW battery. Fuel tank was 45 litres and became 57 litres. Corolla's started the size of a Suzuki Swift and are now almost Camry's. Evolution. I know the later 2022 Outlander...
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    Comfort closing?

    So friday here 30deg and muggy. Left the car parked with sunroof tilted to let out the heat. In the afternoon, decided to try the remote AC to precool before my drive home. Disconnected from my office wi-fi and connected to the car and then to the climate page. It wouldn't operate the remote AC...
  17. S

    Default settings

    Still learning it but loving my PHEV. 3 days driving it locally about 40klms and the motor still hasn't kicked in and I've 12 klms electric range remaining. Questions: Is there a way to change the default of B2 to B5. I live in a hilly area and for local driving the B5 gives me both the one...
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    Quick question - On most cars I've been in/owned with sunroof's, when tilt is activated the inner cover slides back some small distance so heat can escape the cabin. This 2020 Outlander PHEV Exceed does open the inner cover if the sunroof is slid fully open, but for tilt is does nothing - stays...
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    Comfort closing?

    I have to agree about the App. It hardly seems worth the trouble. I got it paired with the car easily enough, but then to use it I have to disconnect from my home or work wireless network log into the car's wi-fi and then I'm finding something about not being able to connect even then because...
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    Comfort closing?

    Hi and thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I am right hand drive - Australia. I wonder why only LHD. From my office to the car is about 16 metres and elevated one story. Clear line of sight. Key fobs on every car I have work easily over the distance. That's why it was so cool to be able to close...