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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. M


    I had Spacer on nearly every car I owned witout any problems. My summer car, a 20 year old Renault Megane Convertible has Spacers in the back since 15 years without any damage or somerhing. I thought about this yesterday for my PHEV as well. Spacer making driving much better and you can go...
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    Adding apps onto the 2018 PHev screen

    You mean with overall, since last reset? This is in the SDA (at my model). I though you mean overall within this ride.
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    Password/PIN reset

    is this also available on the SDA?
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    Adding apps onto the 2018 PHev screen

    1. not possible 2. in the board computer 3. yes
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    Outlander PHEV remote app on Samsung Note 9

    Good writing, thanks. I easily connected my iPhone and now struggling connecting an additional Android 7. Have done exactly the same you described, (except turning off mobile data).
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    Coding with ED

    Successful coded the alarm system to my 2019 PHEV with ETACS Decoder today. Will test some other codings after Xmas as well.
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    Will my home charger be suitable?

    Yes, but the PHEV will only take 3,7kW max. I'm doing the same (but different Wallbox)
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    Unofficial PHEV wifi app

    Hi Jur, I'm thinking since days how to get my Outi integrated into my smarthome. Will install a Raspberry as a WiFi-WiFi Bridge in my Garage. Only problem I read, the app will not work from home network, it needs direct connection to the Outi WiFi. Grüße aus der Landeshauptstadt ;)
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    2016 Outlander keyfob hack. REMOTE HEATER!

    After failing my first test with shorting, I soldered a button to SW3 yesterday. What should I say, it is NOT working :evil: Will try also soldering a button on SW6 on weekend. Maybe this is working....
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    How to charge PHEV quickly?

    I'm owning a go-eCharger 22kw since two days. Very cool system, with a very good support. Even on my 16A outlet and the Outi only using one Phase, I can charge from 0 to 100% in only 4h. Outi is consuming ~14A and ~3.1kW while charging.
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    2016 Outlander keyfob hack. REMOTE HEATER!

    Tried this today on my 4 days old PHEV 2019 and it is not working. Shorting the missing button SW3 (the one on the side) let the remote send, but nothing happens :oops: I tried shorten once and shorten two time and stay shorten. Anybody who was able to do this on a 2019? This is my remote...
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    How to charge PHEV quickly?

    Can you please send a picture of yours? My German one has no option to change and is only using 8A max. My line is only for the PHEV with a 16A fuse on a 16A CEE socket/cable.
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    Got it today!

    Thanks, and yes, the wheels are Mitsubishi Factory. Maybe they are only available in Germany?
  14. M

    Got it today!

    Today, only 3 week after my order, I collected my first Hybrid! I love this car. Car to drive. Totally happy! Short about me, 47 years, 2 kids, living in Germany near Munich. Bought this car, because our old Mercedes Viano Diesel was outdated and we would like to do at least a small piece in...
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    How to quick launch an outlander PHEV

    Why should I do this?? :roll: I'm not buying a PHEV and then go for drag race