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  1. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Because PRE are not finale versions ;)
  2. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Maybe my english is not the best, but you don't know what a driver is doing ;) And, only for your info, it is not depending on the MUT version.
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    MUT is not a special code that a 'nice person' wrote. This is the official SW from Mitsubishi! And, the car is not "breaking" simply because a 12V battery runs low.
  4. M


    Today I wrapped this side fake chrome stuff in carbon. two or three bubbles, but this will gone from the sun till tomorrow. This is fitting perfect to the carbon of my front and back spoiler kits. Will do also something on the front after my vacation. Here are the spoiler kits:
  5. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    Lindqvist is already stupid, but the "D-Method" is ********. If you want to rune your AUX Bat. please go on. Why people post this on YT and here??! Who is paying, if something is broken?? If you want to recalibrated BMU the ONLY way is MUT!!
  6. M

    Triple Procedure & Setup (Costs around 80USD)

    use the old version 18091
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    Triple Procedure & Setup (Costs around 80USD)

    Maybe you are right, but I can confirm, Nikolay is absolut nice guy, very supportive if it comes to issues. I also bought this driver and it is working. He has also some other usefull tools for our car for free. And I'm not a new user or 1 time poster ;)
  8. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    It is and should be for everyone. If you drive the car, like it is supposed to, then you drive it in EV. Therefore only the range is from interest. It's the same like for an BEV. I don't care about SOH, I want to go as far as possible.
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    EV Range is the ONLY, which is important and from interest! But not the EV range in the display, I'm talking about the real KM I can drive.
  10. M

    Triple Procedure & Setup (Costs around 80USD)

    deleted, (user) problem fixed :oops:
  11. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    I can't tell, otherwise I have to k... you :lol: :mrgreen: Honest, a lot of informations can be found on the web. Most reasonable infos are coming form the Russian community. Rest is learning by doing, testing on my own car. Reading, learning, testing 8-)
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    No, Mitsubishi suggest B5 in Stop-and-go. I get much more KM with B5, tested, in the city.
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    The different methods of battery management reset

    @jaapv: fully agree Yes, there are owners complaining SOH, measured by Watchdog. Also I have a "bad" SOH if I use Watchdog. Anyway, I can go up to 65km with one charge. So for me and I checked this, Watchdog has wrong numbers. Why should I use a software, which is pointing wrong numbers and...
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    @fprigge: thanks for proofing my statements: 1. DBCAM can discharge faster (setting Heating and Cooling at once) 2. DBCAM can discharge the battery till it is really empty
  15. M

    REcall - software update

    Maybe it is the Chademo Update. This is the last I know.
  16. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    If charged, no regen 8-) Then you will be remembered, how "old fashioned" breaks are working :lol: A kind of speed shift from 0 to 5 an back would be really nice.
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    I saw a written statement from Mitsubishi Switzerland in another forum, they suggest B5. As said, I only drive B5 (except long distance on motorways). My battery is in a pretty good shape and I can go between 55 and 63km. PS: if it is not possible, thats good. Thanks.
  18. M

    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    The error code which is store point direct to miss calculation in the BMU and can not happen by just disconnect the 12V Anyway, most vendors, and I guess also Mitsubishi, don't care really. Over charge and over discharge can happen, because the BMU is missing the information of the battery and...
  19. M

    Serial/Parallel Switch Speed

    I went many times fully packed and with my caravan (no I'm not Dutch :lol: - sorry jaapv :mrgreen: ) to the Alps and the Dolomites. Sure uphill, the car can't generate the needed energy and the battery will went down. But on straight roads and for sure on downhill, battery get's refilled. So...
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    Lindqvist method : DIY BMU Battery Reset

    The error is not visible in your display or similar. The error code is stored in the ETACS, so Mitsubishi and the dealer can read it. DBCAM is not infecting your warranty nor tracked. There is a law in Germany and I think it is in hole Europe, that every garage needs to have access to the...