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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. C

    Eco Drive Ratio Confusion

    From what I've seen on my 2019 4HS it looks to be about right.. Even if you do a long journey and end up with a 'flat' battery after the initial EV range has been exhausted, the car still spends some time in EV mode. Remember, the display shows the time in EV mode as a percentage of overall...
  2. C

    Long Distance MPG

    A few notes from the UK 2019 manual; * Fuel tank capacity: 45 litres * When the gun stops automatically, do not fill with fuel any more. :P * When the fuel is reduced to approximately 7 litres, the information screen switches to the interrupt display of the fuel remaining warning display...
  3. C

    Long Distance MPG

    Similar here, 2019 4HS (UK spec). 39 litres exactly (after pulling the trigger several times, with pauses in between..) and my range had been showing '---' for several miles, which spooked me since I had only just got the car (dealer supplied it practically empty and with no battery charge!!)...
  4. C

    Is a charge point necessary/worth it?

    These things are actually very easy once you have smart switch which can be programmed to turn on and off depending on multiple conditions, one of the main reasons I installed it. The other main reason is to know how many kWh I am stuffing into the car.. I will certainly be adjusting my...
  5. C

    Is a charge point necessary/worth it?

    Not if I leave at 02:30 !! :lol: I could adjust the on time to give me the 5-5.5 hours full charge, but I'm not always fully empty.. Ideally, I could get the SOC from the car and then calculate the time required to reach full charge, then work back from there..! :mrgreen:
  6. C

    Is a charge point necessary/worth it?

    It should be easy to set up routing from your normal home/work network to be able to connect to the Outlander WiFi; 1. Install a WiFi Access Point close to the Outlander, with the same SSID and password as the Outlander's, and set it up in 'repeater'/'extender' mode so that it connects...
  7. C

    Is a charge point necessary/worth it?

    My smart socket is indoors next to the main breaker box under my stairs. This links to the outdoor (weather-proof) socket from where I connect my factory charger/lead. My smart socket automatically switches on at 22:00 every night as long as I am home, which it knows from geo-fencing my mobile...
  8. C

    How to best protect your drive battery.

    We can all drive how we want to at the end of the day, within the limitations set by the manufacturer. I'm just pointing out that if your main concerns are not shortening the life of/damaging the battery then only using B5 when going down a steep hill is probably one of the most damaging times...
  9. C

    How to best protect your drive battery.

    If you take that to it's logical conclusion then you should really be using B0 all the time! 8-)
  10. C

    How to best protect your drive battery.

    Neither do I - but it's not about maintaining the speed but about maintaining the car in that band where it is neither using battery power or regenerating. That is what is 'akward' (rather than difficult) in B5 (even at the same speed), and very easy indeed in B0. Your post however reads as...
  11. C

    How to best protect your drive battery.

    I will try again next time I use cruise. I can't recall when in cruise whether I attempted to select B1 or B0 or whether it was a higher B3+.
  12. C

    How to best protect your drive battery.

    What model year ? On my 2019 4HS, if you set cruise (adaptive cruise at any rate.. not even sure there is a 'normal' cruise on mine as I rarely use cruise full stop, a human is better at managing energy and speed than the car is (well at least this human is.. :lol: )), the car automatically...
  13. C

    How to best protect your drive battery.

    But as I said in another post somewhere, it is progressively harder to 'coast' in B5 than it is in B0. On my 2019 4HS at least, the range in pedal position to give the 'neutral' point (no power applied to drive motors and no regen from drive motors) in B5 is not easy to find. Much easier in B0 -...
  14. C

    Is a charge point necessary/worth it?

    Easily done - every kW of energy I've ever put in to my Outlander has been via a smart socket; Current status as of this morning attached. Total so far 385.51 kWh used.
  15. C

    Super Unleaded ?

    So, no-one tried it then ? Am I to become a Guinea Pig ? :lol:
  16. C

    Long Distance MPG

    I tend to maintain a lower fuel tank level, say about a third or a quarter of a tank (or even less), unless I know I am going on a longer journey. Otherwise I could be driving around shorter EV range runs for weeks, maybe over a month, lugging around a full tank of fuel. This affects efficiency...
  17. C

    Is a charge point necessary/worth it?

    Although I've only owned my PHEV sonce October I also do this and can't see me changing any time soon. I installed an outdoor 13A weatherproof socket on a wall near where I park which is switched on and off remotely so no-one can steal my electric when I'm out. A 5 hour or so overnight charge is...
  18. C

    Super Unleaded ?

    Has anyone trialled using Super Unleaded (95+ Octane) fuel in the Outlander PHEV ? The fuel filler flap says 95+ on it on my 2019 4HS. I've always use Shell V-Power on my tuned turbocharged cars, but just wondered if anyone has ever done any tests on the PHEV ?
  19. C

    EV Mode - Purpose ?

    9/3 is where it heats the steering wheel on my 2019 4HS, with a little either side, but not much. Still haven't seen any difference between EV mode and none EV mode!
  20. C

    How to charge PHEV quickly?

    Not from what I've witnessed. It will go from zero charge (0A) to about 2A (460W) instantly, stay at 2A for about 10-15 seconds, and then go straight to ~9A and stay there until charging is almost complete, after which it gradually reduces the charge rate from ~9A to 0A over a period of about 30...