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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. E

    Timed Defrost not working any longer

    It happen to me few times All the time, thanks to the WiFi Application was possible to see the error : Open door error It appears to me that when is very cold and we got some rain before, some water might enter in some gaps and then due to ice it might cause to see a door left open The...
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    Alternative to watchdog? Wifi password recovery??

    Mine did want money too .. more or less like what your dealer want. The solution was to go to a different dealer, and I got this for free. "For free" ... actually it was part of service + repair (somebody hit my car some time ago, and I combined the two things for the new dealer), so they got...
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    EV priority mode. How to enter it according to MMC.

    Since you are a good friend of Mitsubishi Tell them that they desperately need UI/UX training ... especially their top management need to get a lot of training These odd procedures are good if people might want to hack the car (for get an Easter eggs) ... but are not acceptable for a daily...
  4. E

    WiFi reset procedure (Step by Step)

    Since the PHEV is programmed to top up the 12V every 24h when WiFi is on ... we should not expect more then 10w consumption. (My guess is that this is ~5w) Anyhow top up 150wh in the 12v battery from the main lithium battery, most probably does cost over 250wh a day from the main battery ... so...
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    WiFi reset procedure (Step by Step)

    Reset WiFi does not change the password For get the WiFi password, only a Mitsubishi dealer is able to help you. At first I was asking for paying for such service, but then while I did service my car into a different dealer they did provide the password for free The dealer need to connect to...
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    Battery Capacitance Measurement - Canada

    You might not be up to date with the latest "theory" from Andy ... the famous " "PHEV vaccination" I might also have miss many videos too ... Anyhow ... My understanding of "PHEV vaccination" is the following: - BMU reset - Smoothing procedure, with BMU initialization Apparently ... if only...
  7. E

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    Battery degradation is visible in SOH (State Of Health) ... SOC (State of Charge) does change every time, even after two similar full charge process, the SOC could be slightly different In the WatchDog application you can click on battery condition menu, and you get a list of cards for each...
  8. E

    Airport Parking

    I don't believe this was the problem. The timer will force to engage the main lithium battery and even recharge the 12v lead acid battery ...this timer would have cost a huge reduction in EV range possibly even fully discharge the main battery (down to 20% SOC) over multiple days of demister...
  9. E

    What should I do on a motorway for max MPG

    If the ICE is running, the cabin heat come from the petrol engine. There electric heater does heat a fluid which could be shared by the cooling liquid on the ICE ... so when ICE is running, I expect that the electric heater is not used .. but I did never really check .. still I'm quite sure the...
  10. E

    What should I do on a motorway for max MPG

    There is no real magic The rule is as slower as you drive, and as higher is the MPG If you use CC you can't use B0 .. but CC is so convenient to use that make no sense to check if B2 is better then B0 .. (which is not at constant speed 8-) ... B setting is irrelevant while driving at...
  11. E

    Newbie - Full tank with full charge total range?

    At 140km/h mine does less then 10km/l ... maybe my usage of winter tyres also in summer impact the fuel efficiency by around 10% Or my ICE is getting old ... or the quality of the fuel here is worst then there ... Anyhow .. over 500km with speed around 120km/h it is feasible also on my old...
  12. E

    Would this work? Solar/wind to UPS, UPS to PHEV ?

    I did analyzed this option time ago Charge from solar panels directly, implies to have the car at home during the day, something that in my case is not really possible As well, the solar system should be over dimension, since clouds and rain can drop the solar power by a factor of 5 and even...
  13. E

    Bad UI

    I'm surprise that some forum members are allowed to insult other members In my book, call somebody a troll is the worst possible insult that can be used online. PS: To be clear ... I'm just quoting your message, since you, like me ...we have been both insulted by the same person. I...
  14. E

    Bad UI

    My view In this context ... Mitsubishi want to sell PHEV and not Hybrid car If people, like me, or Anko, or mort will not be happy how they design some "typical" PHEV features, which cause unwanted ICE start up ... possibly they will think twice before buying in the future another Mitsubishi...
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    Bad UI

    Interesting point maby I believe the success of PHEV in some markets (like UK), is purely due to tax incentive Take away the tax incentive, and people would not buy a PHEV and use it as an Hybrid car. (an Hybrid car having a smaller battery is cheaper and more efficient then a PHEV, when used...
  16. E

    Bad UI

    I guess you must also believe in "repetitia juvant"
  17. E

    Bad UI

    Right .. maybe lot of people don't understand the value of the Mitsubishi decisions. Still ... Somebody did even invest quite some time and money for make an aftermarket "patch" ... quite an effort for somebody that should have a poor understanding of this PHEV, based on your comment above...
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    Bad UI

    Why you have to read ? Anyhow ... since this issue has not been address after over 5 years and multiple models ... I believe "repetitia juvant" Let people to complain of an issue that is not solved since year, on a regular base, it might help to keep the attention of the designers, and maybe...
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    Bad UI

    Right ... yes ... it is enough one person don't agree out of 100.000 PHEV owner, and my sentence is technically wrong. Still ... For me is "self evident" ... that the meaning of my text, if read without hyper critics eyes, it should sounds that this is a pain for most of the user since 2013...
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    Bad UI

    The best solution .. it is to always switch off ventilation, ideally having this set to 15C before without AC ... before switch off the car .. so on next restart the ICE will not kick in. If concern you to have unwanted / unneeded ICE start ... you will get familiar with the clicks before...