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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. C

    USB Port for media unit - what orientation

    Yes, I keep my music on a USB stick plugged in there.
  2. C

    Who are you?

    Very impressive site, and Google Translate works well. I can see you'd have no concerns if it ever came to replacing the battery pack on your PHEV (which I hope won't be for many years yet!)
  3. C

    Pre heat

    The last hour of recharging takes place at relatively low power to avoid damaging the battery. If you monitor* a normal recharge (from a 13A socket), it takes about 4 hours to get up to 15 bars and then an hour for the final bar. * using the phone app, I'm sure others on this forum will have...
  4. C

    Who are you?

    The two main pitfalls with extension leads are using one that's not rated for enough amps (though I can't recall ever seeing one that couldn't handle the full 13A); and using a tightly coiled cable that introduces inductance and therefore heats up (personally, I've used normal coiled extension...
  5. C

    Best driving modes for best efficiency?

    I often drive in B5 (lots of downhill sections where I use it to hold the speed). I don't believe it has any effect on accelerator response, though the Eco button certainly does.
  6. C

    2019 Outlander PHEV reviews and what we know

    French 'real world' test of the Outlander over a 360km route. It achieved overall 5.95l/100km (starting fully charged, no recharging en route), slightly worse than the BMW 225xe and the Audi Q7 e-tron. It's not really much of a comparison, since it's very dependent on the size of the battery...
  7. C

    Best driving modes for best efficiency?

    There's a phone app (not available for GX3 models, I believe) that allows you to turn on the heating remotely (or set a timer for it) using battery power only. The same app lets you set a timer for charging, as well.
  8. C

    Eco Drive Ratio Confusion

    It doesn't only count your pure EV mileage. Once the battery is exhausted, the car continues in hybrid mode, using the engine to propel the car and also charge the battery (at 70 on a motorway, this will probably be in 'parallel' mode with the engine driving the front wheels directly and also...
  9. C

    The true about battery degrdation in the Outlander PHEV

    Is that a typo for £300? It sounds very high, unless you were driving a RR Phantom :)
  10. C

    How to best protect your drive battery.

    Amen, brother. Look, I'm a geek, I like to play with the flappy paddles and even the save/charge buttons, but I don't expect to make more than a few percent difference* to either fuel consumption or battery life. It's certainly not something to agonise about. * and I'm not even sure whether...
  11. C

    Long Distance MPG

    That's probably true for most flights within the US, but in the rest of the world fuel prices can vary enough to make it worthwhile taking on additional 'cheap' fuel if you're flying to an 'expensive' destination (known as 'tankering'). It's not always a case of simply loading the minimum safe...
  12. C

    Time to say goodbye.......

    If that comment was aimed at me, Craigy, it isn't what I said. BIK is still significant for PHEVs, but diminishing each year,
  13. C

    Time to say goodbye.......

    Being completely mercenary about it, in the three years I've had my PHEV, I've put just over 6,000kWh of electricity into it, which I reckon has saved me about £1,200* of petrol (net of the cost of the electricity) and probably about £300 a year on road tax. That's great, but £700 a year won't...
  14. C

    New Owner Basic Questions

    On my GX4h* there's no sonar, just the camera - you need the 4hs to get it, but maybe it could be fitted as an optional extra or (as you say) as aftermarket. * it's the 'facelift' version, but I think the same differences applied between 4h/4hs irrespective. It depends on the month when your...
  15. C

    EV Mode - Purpose ?

    I've read that, too - although the only official recommendations I can find are for hands at 9/3, whereas they'd need to be at 8/4 to get any benefit from the heated wheel. I take the point about airbags, though I've had friends who've been driving when airbags have gone off, and no hand or arm...
  16. C

    Electric Motor Mount Issue

    I'd be very uneasy about someone working on the electric drive who hadn't had manufacturer's training on the safety aspects. Getting between a battery capable of delivering 60kW and the earth could ruin your entire day.
  17. C

    New Owner Basic Questions

    The three lights for the rear seat-belts always come on and then go off again after less than a minute. I don't know if this is a particular oddity of my vehicle (the rear seats are occupied about 2/3 times a year) or a universal quirk.
  18. C

    EV Mode - Purpose ?

    Annoyingly, it only heats the lowest 1/3 of the wheel - so, unless you have a very odd driving position, it isn't much help.
  19. C

    I just wanted to say...

    I live on the Chiltern ridge with 1.3km 15% hills in most directions. It's not a problem in chilly weather, because pre-heating will run the battery down just enough to allow for recharging on the way down the hill.
  20. C

    Trip meter set up

    I agree, but producing a 'combined' mpg requires you to know the cost of fuel as well as electricity. I do this using a simple spreadsheet, but despite the constantly-changing prices (of both), a very reasonable rule of thumb is that running on petrol costs is around 3x more expensive than...