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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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    Servicing and Parts

    Thank you. Appreciate the advice. 1. Are there any issues with the MMC retaining information if all batteries are disconnected? 2. Does anything need to be reprogrammed? 3. As long as the car is off then there should be no chance of the ICE turning on? Would there be any reason to turn the car...
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    Servicing and Parts

    Super, thanks! Can't believe how much can be saved £££'s
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    Servicing and Parts

    Thank you, really appreciate the confirmation!
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    Servicing and Parts

    :D That was my concern on all the volts running through the car :o
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    Does Anyone have a Outlander PHEV 2023 Shop Manual

    Thank you and good warning! I didn't get the notice to download anything and was able to get the pdf manual. But then I'm using DNS adguard to block pop ups and adverts but good shout as many don't use these.
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    Servicing and Parts

    Thank you! Good to hear that and I'm not crazy to try.
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    Annoying beeps

    Haha! Well, I find that some even old one that haven't been solved might be useful for someone! :D
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    Servicing and Parts

    Good Shout! I'm thinking main update is on the MMC and that is mostly MAPS - to be honest, I usually use Google. There could be some bug fixes but I haven't come across any major ones. Other updates I can think of are to do with pre-heat/remote heat settings and I stopped using that a while...
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    Annoying beeps

    could you post a recording (obviously someone else holding the phone whilst you are driving? :D )
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    Servicing and Parts

    Hi - has anyone carried out their own service? I'm thinking of doing this myself and saving the £400 on labour - Just some advice/tips/parts? I'm currently thinking: Mahle Air Filter: £25.49 Mann Cabin Filter...
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    Front Parking Sensors

    My guess is the car was jet washed and the sensors have been misaligned or pushed in. I'm guessing they are detecting the bumper itself. I fixed mine by reaching undereneath behind the bumper and pushing the sensors slightly forward, not too much you don't want them popping out - just enough...
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    Does Anyone have a Outlander PHEV 2023 Shop Manual

    Not sure if this is helpful since it may be a US version, but perhaps it has enough info to help
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    ev Home Charger Vs 3pin Home Charger

    Hi All, I have a 2015 PHEV, 45k on the clock. I bought the car just a few months ago and have been using the 3pin home charger whilst I waited for the external ev charger (EO Mini Pro). Using my 3pin home charger I was getting a consistent 19miles on a fully charged battery. Now I have an...
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    Stolen Charger

    Try a padlock alarm from eBay: Something like this