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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. G

    Loosing main battery charge during parking

    From my experience and testing I find there are actually two kinds of balancing procedures used by the PHEV. My usage involves full charging every day the PHEV leaving in the morning with less than half an hour after charging. I do 25km to work, leave the car parked there for about 9,5h and by...
  2. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    OK, about v0.9... I'm gonna do the release differently this time as I want to precise test a new breakthrough feature within a smaller group. So, I will be releasing soon the first version of v0.9 to a restricted group of users, which are those who have made a donation up to today (don't do a...
  3. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    That's great SolarBoy, happy to know it works for you ;)
  4. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    I believe the input power is limited by the BMU, precisely to avoid such kind of damage. Usually Battery Max input Power figure starts at 25kW (after a full charge) and goes up to 40kW. Never seen more than this.
  5. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    And I'm trying to calibrate the eco score correctly (that leaf meter in the trip screen) for that I need to do some data mining, I would apreciate if you could send me your trip records. Just go to the settings menu, do a backup of the database and send me the backup file (most recent file that...
  6. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    A little update on v0.9 development. Regenerative breaking power now shows (negative values) under Combined Motors Power. I've seen values up to nearly 57kW under hard braking. New values under trip summary screen: Stopped time Driving style Weather season Wall-to-wheel average electric...
  7. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    That's great. Some Chinese clones do work but may operate rather slow which may reflect on the accuracy of the values.
  8. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    I've used EVBatmon for some time and from my experience it does not do any calculations (beside simple conversions) it's just showing data from the OBD2 interface, so no problem there on accuracy... Not the most stable thing also, but that's another story. The data validation is essentially...
  9. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    Sorry, I won't do customization of the app. At least it's not in my priorities. I will take in consideration suggestions that are doable and from which I see a real benefit. Don't see a real benefit on reducing accuracy to workaround a malfunctioning device. As I said before when producing...
  10. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    There is no such thing as some "error"... The app will not account any malformed data, that's why it validates what it gets from the adapter. Less data means less accuracy and that can be disastrous when you are inferring data (and there is a lot of that in the app, and that's what makes it...
  11. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    Sorry, doesn't works like that. In order to have accurate values it's crucial to have the data fed consistently. The "Dog" will not stop at first error, it will actually take 5 failed responses to stop "live data". I am using myself an OBDLink LX adapter since day one with not a single issue...
  12. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    That's because v0.7 didn't validate any of the data received from the adapter. Which adapter are using? From the symptoms could be one that is very slow to handle the requests. If so, try to slow down the "Dog", there's an option for that in the Settings menu. Cheers.
  13. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    It's been missing a presentation video but finally here it is 8-) Cheers.
  14. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    No, sorry. Hacking is a whole new level and I'm not into it. Specially not wanting to use my car as guinea pig (to expensive for that). This app only reads data from the interface and I want to keep it that way.
  15. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    Not to my knowledge. But I'm looking forward to get to version 1, so I can have some spare time to do some serious data mining over the OBD interface and extract more valuable info.
  16. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    Hi Bert, nice to hear that and that the "Dog" is working for you! :D I've started by gathering some info of this forum about the OBD interface and then developing this app for myself to see if it was possible to workaround the lack of information of the MMCS. Then I found it worked really...
  17. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    Hello Kim, please download the latest version of the app (v0.8), the time issue is a known bug of v0.7 that occurred in some devices. Beside some bug fixes, v0.8 brings some cool new features.
  18. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Well, I'm already working on next version... And it will probably have widgets ;)
  19. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    OK, let us know how it work :)
  20. G

    PHEV Watchdog for all.

    Should not be that hard to press the little "pm" button... ;)