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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. R

    Battery is used even in normal mode

    Your assumption/expectation/understanding is incorrect. I would advise to read the manual, it is worth it for this somewhat sophisticated machine.
  2. R

    Does anyone pay for the My Mitsubishi app?

    I did pay. However, the 30% discount promised by the email did not happen - not sure if it was applicable, language was vague. The app has been working reliably for me, with the exception of the mileage logging that I don't use anyway; I do use the climate feature semi-regularly and the Finder...
  3. R

    Should I be concerned about no updates?

    My 2023 SEL bought in December 2022 in USA has the same status and description, but also shows an update number 07.21.57. I do not remember having any updates done at the couple of times I brought it in for oil changes.
  4. R

    Why does my ICE start every time I turn up the heat?

    Keep in mind my 2023 (and a few other people's) always kicks the ICE every 5 minutes if the air flow is set to Defrost (windshield) only, even in "EV preferred" mode, whatever the temperature.
  5. R

    Outlander PHEV heat pump?

    There are a couple of threads about this, with pictures.
  6. R

    What Settings for Pure EV with No ICE Assist

    On my 2023, setting the air flow control to defrost only fires the ICE every few minutes even in EV in Drive. Any other setting allows persistent EV-only driving.
  7. R

    A little confused about battery range...

    Per my calculations and in my area (WA, one of the best states for electric over gas), charging at more than $0.30/kWh is more expensive than gas. The only public chargers that are below that are Shell's at off-peak hours.
  8. R

    My road trip across the country

    Sorry, cannot leave this uncorrected... the equation applies always. It is just that the loss of mass for chemical reactions is negligible. (edit: and, yes, it was a joke)
  9. R

    Rear 110v Plug -- How the Heck Does it Really Work??

    1) Question is unclear, but approximately, yes. 2) Yes, the car has to be on (in "Ready" mode) for the large battery to be connected. 3) Yes, see above. 4) You don't. Plenty of use; I ran the espresso machine for the group camp. The wrinkle is that the 110V power shuts down in 30 minutes if a...
  10. R

    Wireless Android

    I would have suggested playing with your phone wifi settings, but it is actually the bluetooth connection that controls the wifi connection. Some bluetooth devices allow setting the BT range, yours may too. Or try varying size aluminum foil sticker on the AA device to reduce the signal to the...
  11. R

    Drive-in movie theatre - recommendation?

    Nothing odd will happen; personally tested (camping, using the 120V power). (Edit: deleted incorrect statement that the car shuts down in 30 minutes; it is only the 120V power that gets shut down, not the car)
  12. R

    Oulander PHEV starting in petrol mode only

    Another culprit is the Air Flow Control - setting it to defroster flow-only keeps my (and others') ICEs kicking in at start and every 5 minutes.
  13. R

    Can the CHAdeMO socket be replaced by a Type 2 Connector in a 2021 PHEV like Eclipse built on same EV platform?

    Yes, but it is expensive. The retrofit is referenced in this thread: Is the CCS to CHADEMO adapter legitimate? The discussed adapter is available, but also expensive. CHAdeMO CCS2 Adapter for Nissan Leaf (Pre-Order) | EVniculus
  14. R

    Drive Battery Cooler?

    I would expect so (battery to heat faster with the heat pump off) but I don't know, based on available information; it may be designed not to take heat from the battery at cold temperatures, and just take from ambient (and engine, of course). In that case, the -15C limit would matter and turning...
  15. R

    Charging while idling

    My recollection from when I tested it is that the engine output dial showed a notch and a half, corresponding roughly to 5 kW charging power. Based on this, I would expect 2 to 3 hours from empty to 80% (of the available 16 kWh). However, I do not remember how full the battery was (though...