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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. M

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    I _think_ the reason for the compulsory 3rd row is that it now qualifies for some kind of tax/rebate incentives. I actually did try to get into that ... once :)
  2. M

    PHEV system fault, service required

    Is your cell phone in the same (or close) pocket as the keyfob? If so, move one or the other ... the fob is interrupted by the phone.
  3. M

    How long can these cars last?

    "Blow the air bags"? So, you have disabled an important safety feature that is proven to save lives ...
  4. M

    What is normal for a 2018 PHEV with 75,000 miles on it, in the United States

    Either all of this ... or we should move to The Netherlands :) But, my parents left there in 1959 and it's a long haul to get my PHEV back there :)
  5. M

    Endtroduction (vent post)

    Sounds like you need a new 12v battery. Around $400 ... search this forum, lots of discussions about them.
  6. M

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    A simple google search brings up this: I don't know what progress/state this is in.
  7. M


    If memory serves, the manual for the car also states this.
  8. M

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    Well, that is what happens when one lives in Winterpeg. I was then in Jan. many years ago ... Portage & Main is surely the coldest place on earth!
  9. M

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    Thanks for the report. At least we now know the software update did have a positive effect on cold weather starting.
  10. M

    Does anyone pay for the My Mitsubishi app?

    They would need to pay ME to use this useless app.
  11. M

    Voice command button integration with android auto

    Do a "long" press on the mic button on the steering wheel. A short press awakens the idiot built into the car; long press wakes up google :)
  12. M

    Outlander PHEV Sub-Zero Operation Question

    And, the adverts clearly stated that there was a battery heater. Big mistake by Mitsui.
  13. M


    On my 2019 I did but some screening over the air intake. This intake was under the hood and a nice, direct path into the engine air filter and (as I recall ... can't check since the car was totaled) into the passenger compartment air filter. I ended up putting some bait under the hood using...
  14. M

    Outlander PHEV's 1500W Inverter: Pure Sine Wave!

    I think that if you start the car with the lights off (on the stalk off the steering wheel), e-brake on and foot on the brake the running lights will not come on.