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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. Jedinsky

    Power used for charging compared to power stored in the battery

    range estimates are inaccurate, even the bars shown on the battery gauge are slightly inaccurate (they measure voltage, and voltage is slightly temperature dependent). the vehicle is programmed to prioritize efficiency whenever possible without sacrificing vehicle lifespan, which means when...
  2. Jedinsky

    PHEV for Australian camping, light offroad

    you're correct, but as a wise man once said "any car's offroading capability is inversely proportional to how much you care about it", and an outlander PHEV would be a big step up from a minivan. the 2024 has a wade depth of 40cm, which is nothing spectacular, but can be lifesaving during flash...
  3. Jedinsky

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    the heater would draw power from the battery so i'd expect less acceleration, but in super cold temperatures its not suffering, its dead. i'm also talking about battery + generator, its entirely possible that cold temperatures make the generator slightly more effective. all i've observed...
  4. Jedinsky

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    what model year have you got? I've got a 2024 and haven't had any "not enough power" issues, but i have noticed its temperature dependent, with noticeably more power at 25c vs 35c, and i'd assume the same "reduced power output" would also occur at lower temperatures. pre-2021 models have half...
  5. Jedinsky

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    better engine management is hopefully something that can be modded in within the next few years, but i doubt mitusbishi will be the ones to do it. being able to tell the engine what RPM to idle at would be amazing, being able to idle it at 1000RPM with minimal electricity generation would be...
  6. Jedinsky

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    to be fair that option should be in literally every vehicle that has a rear view camera, it'd be so easy for manufacturers to implement, it'd cost them nothing, people would love it, and it'd improve road safety.
  7. Jedinsky

    Off-Grid Living with 2020 GT

    letting it cycle would actually be a tiny bit better for battery lifespan, but terrible for the engine, and i'd expect fuel efficiency to be terrible too. batteries love short small cycles, engines don't, especially in cold weather. depending on your financial situation it might be worth...
  8. Jedinsky

    Self-charging fuel use in a 2023 outlander PHEV

    Hi All I FINALLY found information about idle charging fuel use. for those who don't want to watch the video, its 2.58KWh/L numbers should be identical for the 2024. i have no idea what the 2025 will be. its insanity that MMC doesn't just tell us this, the numbers aren't even bad...
  9. Jedinsky

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    in the 2024 this is partly implemented for seat settings and the little "intro animation" thing when you start the car (i turned it off and noticed that it still plays when i use the second key), it may also apply to other settings, i haven't explored this in-depth though. it'd be nice to be...
  10. Jedinsky

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    I can't say a bad word about the dealership i went through (in australia), they were better than i was expecting, but i've heard some real horror stories about dealerships in canada. australia does have some pretty strong consumer protections laws though so that may have something to do with it...
  11. Jedinsky

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    sunglasses holder, you mean like this? 2024 has it, not sure about others.
  12. Jedinsky

    Question About the Portable Charger for Outlander PHEV in Australia

    yes. if it can run a TV, it can charge a PHEV.
  13. Jedinsky

    What features would you like to see added to the Outlander PHEV in the future?

    Add your thoughts/suggestions, and maybe someone at mitsubishi might see this eventually. Minor (easy) improvements: AVAS to only be active when in "drive" or "reverse", it shouldn't be active when in "park" and the handbrake is on. A tachometer would be great to recapture the "petrol feel"...
  14. Jedinsky

    Question About the Portable Charger for Outlander PHEV in Australia

    thats a real "how long is a piece of string" question. if you can get a generator that can output 500VDC you could fast charge, theoretically with 240v 15A you could get 3.7kw peak into the car, but you've only got one plug, the main limit isn't the "KW" of the generator, its how many KW the...