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Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Forum

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  1. IllustratedRat

    PHEV System fault in 2024 Outlander

    Sounds entirely too much fun. It's 10°C and raining here. Read: Vancouver but slightly warmer. We usually go to San Diego in the Winter. Tropical climates are too warm for me. I miss the ancient times, when I was younger and could tolerate the heat better.
  2. IllustratedRat

    Outlander PHEV in NSW Australia

    Beauty! Too right, mate - so many features.
  3. IllustratedRat

    New 2024 Outlander PHEV in Alberta, Canada.

    We use these to traverse the Cascades and the Rockies in winter: No slippage, no worries. Highly recommended.
  4. IllustratedRat

    4WD in Outlander works!

    Excellently sorted. Thanks for the riveting video. Near the end of last winter (it was like Feb of this year), we got about 4" of snow and it froze over here (about -15°C). By "here" I mean, Seattle. Unlike most of the parts of the country where they have "real winter" (plains states and the...
  5. IllustratedRat


    Yes, very true. It's difficult to get to the facts through the noise. Add to that the general fog and hype surrounding EV-adjacent technology and you've got not... not much. Our 2021 Outie PHEV GT was only purchased after they brought the 3rd generation North American version up to the same...
  6. IllustratedRat


    Ah, no worries mate. If your wife is anything like mine, she'll want to know the real answer and won't care whether your first take was right or wrong. G*d knows I've made bad estimates a few times. My life-partner forgives me for that. 😏🤓
  7. IllustratedRat


    There is no 2008 model PHEV. The first year the PHEV model was released was 2013 in Japan only. The PHEV does not have a transmission - there is a dual electric-switched torque vector system (ETV) that's labelled with Mitsubishi's trademark (S-AWC), which is driven by two electric motors. The...
  8. IllustratedRat

    I need advice for Level 2 charger for 2023 model

    Oversizing the charger is OK if you're trying to 'future-proof' your garage. We built our garage in 2019-2020 (yes - right in the middle of COVID). Decided to put 2 x Level Two chargers in, 40A each @ 230V, single-phase input. They're both plug-in chargers, so we have the bonus of a 230VAC...
  9. IllustratedRat

    I need advice for Level 2 charger for 2023 model

    I see from your profile that you are in Colorado. If this is still the case, whatever you do - don't buy a charger from Enel X. There may be some unscrupulous people still trying to sell you a JuiceBox charger. Enel X has ceased operating in North America and they will soon be shutting down...
  10. IllustratedRat

    Coming Back?

    We believe so; plus it was fun learning all the cool features that EVs and PHEVs have, like high-regen, one-pedal driving. But yeah - we love this car it is perfect for our needs. Three years in, now, and we still think it's the best passenger car we've ever owned. The only one that comes close...
  11. IllustratedRat

    Coming Back?

    Right you are, good sir. AWD is useful everywhere. In our state, we like it for times when it's pouring buckets and we need to stop at the crest of a hill with 60-70% grade (e.g. most of the East-West streets in downtown Seattle or San Francisco). Enable the "Auto-Hold" on the transfer case, in...
  12. IllustratedRat

    Coming Back?

    Both @Woon Chung and @maby have very good points; thank you for your respective perspectives. 😁 We bought our 2021 GT model because my wife was tired of using her car (a Dodge Avenger 2.4L base model) to carry people everywhere and wanted more room; especially for everyone's luggage. She's the...
  13. IllustratedRat

    Engagement of drivetrain at higher speeds

    Cheers mate. 💯 Oh, and uphill without a trailer is fun too. Whenever you have more than 500lb.-ft. to play with, life is more satisfying.
  14. IllustratedRat

    A little confused about battery range...

    Ditto (WA State resident). Charging at home is dirt-cheap (our rate is 0.15US/KW-h). A full charge costs us about $0.45US. We rarely use public chargers for the very reason you've mentioned - it's daylight robbery.